Monday, May 28, 2012

What is your purpose... Mrs. Pastor and more importantly as a Christian?

The purpose of life is a life of purpose.  ~Robert Byrne

A life without cause is a life without effect.  ~Barbarella

We should give meaning to life, not wait for life to give us meaning.  ~Stacy

God has generously given all of us special gifts over and above the "gift" of being Mrs. Pastor. God has a purpose for each of our lives and we must remember that "Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction."*

Take the time to discover your purpose in life and pursue it with passion...

*John F. Kennedy

Monday, May 21, 2012


All churches are expected to be caring places - that is God's expectation of yours. If your church is only about the righteous then it has missed it's mission...

Mark 2: 16-17 explains it: But when the teachers of religious law who were Pharisees saw him eating with tax collectors and other sinners, they asked his disciples, “Why does he eat with such scum? When Jesus heard this, he told them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”*

Monday, May 14, 2012

Where do you live?

When John’s disciples switched to Jesus, their first question was:

“Where do you live?”*

Let's flip that: As Mrs. Pastor, we need to support our husbands so they know where every member of the church lives. I realise that is one far-reaching statement to make, so I encourage you to read on...For a church to be intact – the members need to be in-touch with each other and that includes Pastor and his family – they are also members of the church. I’ve been in churches where I‘ve heard members say “there is no love in this church” or leave because they did not “feel loved.” When I hear statements like that, I ask myself – did they show love and it wasn’t reciprocated? Love begets love.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Pastor's Wife

The Pastor's Wife

She serves in a position she had not sought for in her life
She simply fell in love with a man called into ministry,
You may know her; she’s the pastor’s wife.

She accepted her role to live for Jesus and share the Gospel light.
She just wanted to make God and her husband proud,
Just happy to be the pastor’s wife.

She started on her journey, her expectations soaring high.
She gave her heart and soul to the task,
For she’s the pastor’s wife.

She was expected to be a certain kind of woman adjusting to church life.
She was not there to receive, but to serve;
After all, she’s the pastor’s wife.

She was to be seen as a Godly lady free from bitterness and strife.
She was to always have a gentle and sweet countenance,
Because she’s the pastor’s wife.

She was to be a gracious hostess anytime someone dropped by,
No matter the day of the week or how late into the night -
For she's the pastor’s wife.

She was to be the perfect mom and her children were to always play nice.
She was never to raise her voice but discipline them perfectly,
Because she’s the pastor’s wife.

She was not to have any personal struggles or down times in life.
She was to always be on top of the world,
For she is the pastor’s wife.

But, she has been down and lonely, more times than we realize.
For she is a woman first of all,
And then she’s the pastor’s wife

She has struggled on a pastor’s salary just trying to survive,
While she watched others enjoy trips and luxury holidays-
Not common for a pastor’s wife

She has been humbled, and very grateful, many times throughout her life
For the grace God gave and the prayers that have been prayed
To encourage this pastor’s wife.

She longed for just one true friend, her battles to help her fight-
Only to later be burned by people who turned their backs on
the pastor’s wife.

She yearned for her own identity, and Christian friends to share her plight.
She wanted to be known for who she is,
Not just as the pastor’s wife.

She longed for simple conversations from the many in her life.
But they often only spoke to her to give a message to him -
For she was known as the pastor’s wife.

She may be hurting and discouraged or in need of hug that’s tight.
She gets tired and down just like everyone else,
So encourage the pastor’s wife.

She’s always there for all of you, so get to know her and treat her right.
Show her interest that’s true for she’s a person too-
This one called the pastor’s wife.

She has too often been neglected by the ones God put in her life.
So, let us find an occasion and show her appreciation
And honor the pastor’s wife.

Loyd C. Taylor

When I was preparing for our first "Mrs. Pastor Day"* (4th Monday in March) I was looking for material that articulated and perchance appreciated what it really means to be a Mrs. Pastor. When I found this poem on another lady's blog** I couldn't resist sharing it around the time we celebrate women again - Mothers' Day this coming weekend... You may relate to some or all of it.

Wishing you all a very Happy Mothers' Day!
