I fully understand where my husband is coming from - because we were "baked in the same oven" under our dear Pastor Tony Rapu (@drtonyrapu). We were taught that our God is an Excellent God so Excellence should and must be our standard. I totally agree which is why in thinking that we needed to cut ourselves some slack, we must not become slack because:
He becomes poor who works with a slack and idle hand,
but the hand of the diligent makes rich.*
Slack habits and sloppy work are as bad as vandalism.**
Being stressed and being slack are two ends of a continuum. We need to know when to "relax" a bit because if you're overstressed, you'll snap. Even elastic bands have a "breaking point" - and when it's past that point, it loses it's usefulness. I don't know how busy your year has been but I'm sure that the word "busy" may not fully capture it. As we inch our way towards Christmas (10 days to go), give your husband, family and yourself a present of some slack...
Please take some time to rest and be refreshed. You know why? Next year will be busier than this year so you need the strength - not the stress - to keep going...to bigger and better things.

but the must-have is God's Presence. May He be with you and yours...
"See" you next year.
* Prov 10:4 - Amplified
** Prov 18:9 - The Message