As usual, pictures and comments in purple font are mine.
It’s Ministry Appreciation Month - a time to pause and say
thanks to those who give so much of themselves to us. Men and women like you
who pour out and dig deep. The ones who encourage and bless, who lay their
hands on our lives and we are better for it.
You are making a difference. Some days it might be hard to see in the middle of a
packed full calendar, the texts and emails and going here then there. It can be
a bit of a blur sometimes, this work of ministry. But in all those places, in
all those faces, you are changing the world. It’s a myth that world-changing is
big and bold and loud. We see in Jesus that it is more about a hand on a
shoulder, a gentle word spoken, a bit of attention given to the one everyone
else might have overlooked. It happens in the ordinary and the everyday and the
sometimes invisible. What you do matters more than you can know, more than you
can possibly see this side of eternity.
Mrs Pastor: Isn't it great that some people notice and mention it? Better yet, is God noticing it.
You are loved. This is true not because of what you do but because you are you. You have worth not because of a position you hold or any performance you give, no matter how important or wonderful. You are treasured and valued first and always because you are the one-of-a-kind creation of a wild and creative God. He gave us such a gift when he dreamed you up. We see him in your smile, hear him in your laugh and see his image reflected in the details of who you are. You don’t need to be like anyone else. We are so glad that you are simply you.
Mrs Pastor: You must remain "free" to be you...if God wanted you to be like or even anyone else, He wouldn't have made you unique. He would have made you a replica or carbon copy and He didn't!
You really are appreciated. As you carry on with all you’re doing, I hope you hear the cheers behind you and around you and for you. Especially today.
Know a woman in ministry who has impacted your life for the better? Share this article with her and let her know she is a “one-of-kind creation.” And, be sure to check out our #ReturnTheBlessing campaign for more ideas on how to bless your pastor, pastor’s wife, youth minister, Sunday school teacher, worship leader, children’s ministry coordinator, church secretary, and small group leader.
A month doesn’t seem long enough. It seems to me that
ministry appreciation should happen all year round, every single day. Because
that’s how often you give. But I’m glad for an occasion that makes us pause and
consider in a more intentional way what you do for us.
First, I want to say that you are brave. You are a
mighty warrior disguised in lip gloss and jeans. You are a force for the
Kingdom. Someone who prays and believes. Someone who tends to the wounded and
lifts up the weak. Someone who speaks the truth to trembling hearts. Someone
who knows that love and kindness are the strongest of weapons in this gone-mad
world. You are a fighter and an overcomer and a healer. You may feel weary
sometimes when the door finally closes behind you at the end of your day but I
want you to remember that even then with Jesus you have won.
Mrs Pastor: Isn't it great that some people notice and mention it? Better yet, is God noticing it.
You are loved. This is true not because of what you do but because you are you. You have worth not because of a position you hold or any performance you give, no matter how important or wonderful. You are treasured and valued first and always because you are the one-of-a-kind creation of a wild and creative God. He gave us such a gift when he dreamed you up. We see him in your smile, hear him in your laugh and see his image reflected in the details of who you are. You don’t need to be like anyone else. We are so glad that you are simply you.
Mrs Pastor: You must remain "free" to be you...if God wanted you to be like or even anyone else, He wouldn't have made you unique. He would have made you a replica or carbon copy and He didn't!
You really are appreciated. As you carry on with all you’re doing, I hope you hear the cheers behind you and around you and for you. Especially today.
A Heart Who’s Been Touched By YouKnow a woman in ministry who has impacted your life for the better? Share this article with her and let her know she is a “one-of-kind creation.” And, be sure to check out our #ReturnTheBlessing campaign for more ideas on how to bless your pastor, pastor’s wife, youth minister, Sunday school teacher, worship leader, children’s ministry coordinator, church secretary, and small group leader.