I smiled when this title dropped in my heart...
I wonder what your reaction was when you saw the title.
Being Mrs. Pastor is so involving that you could wake up one morning asking yourself: "where is my husband?" In fact, he may also wake up and ask the converse question: "where is my wife?" We all need to be cognisant of the fact that we can get so engrossed in being there for others, supporting, encouraging and praying for and with them, that we neglect our husbands, marriage, children and family life; that is a dangerous path to tread. There are so many needs out there to be met - and guess what - you, your husband and family have needs too.
Even in the ministry, there has to be "ministry-life-balance". Indeed, you must have a life apart from ministry even though for a Christian, your ministry follows you wherever you are. So we never get to "look" for each other in the "maze of ministry", my husband and I try to have some time for ourselves - it could range from being in the kitchen at the same time, watching TV after our children go to bed or going for a drive when our children are in school or visiting friends.
We cannot afford to be too busy to spend time with the person we vowed to "cleave to" for the rest of our lives and this is not about sitting beside or behind your husband in church - it is much more than that. It is all about being with him - esp. (emotionally, spiritually, physically) outside the "church." When was the last time you held hands - and it was not in a prayer meeting or for a prayer of agreement? You do not need to follow him around to be with him. You need to make all your times together count and that you have times when you're alone - not just in your bedroom. It is not selfish or unspiritual to want your husband to yourself - as your husband not as the pastor - and there is a difference.
Our priorities must be: God, Spouse, Children, Ministry then Career/Job...
do not change the order.