A few months ago, our church members wanted to surprise my husband and to thank him for how he's positively impacted their lives. I felt that was a really nice gesture. I was particularly touched when one lady said, we want you to sit beside him when we put up our "show"; to which I said...
..."It's his day - I don't need to be there; I'm not that important."
She went on, as if trying to convince me that I mattered. She added that it will be nice to have me sitting beside him - as an acknowledgement of my support and encouragement. That was a nice way of putting it...and I couldn't agree more...
However, she really didn't need to convince me, the Holy Spirit had already convicted me:
"How could I say that I didn't matter?"
"How disrespectful to God -Who created me for signs and wonders?"
I wonder how often we, as Mrs Pastor, feel like that. Interestingly, that's the opposite of the "thankless job" it feels like most of the time - and it shouldn't.
It's ironic that when people then want to show appreciation for all we do, we almost turn it down - at least I almost did until I "retraced my steps." Indeed "I matter" and I don't need anyone to remind me or reinforce it. You do too - whether or not others appreciate you, it shouldn't matter. You matter - period!
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