A few months ago, our church members wanted to surprise my husband and to thank him for how he's positively impacted their lives. I felt that was a really nice gesture. I was particularly touched when one lady said, we want you to sit beside him when we put up our "show"; to which I said...
..."It's his day - I don't need to be there; I'm not that important."
She went on, as if trying to convince me that I mattered. She added that it will be nice to have me sitting beside him - as an acknowledgement of my support and encouragement. That was a nice way of putting it...and I couldn't agree more...
However, she really didn't need to convince me, the Holy Spirit had already convicted me:
"How could I say that I didn't matter?"
"How disrespectful to God -Who created me for signs and wonders?"
I wonder how often we, as Mrs Pastor, feel like that. Interestingly, that's the opposite of the "thankless job" it feels like most of the time - and it shouldn't.I really didn't want to sound like a dog in the manger - but that's how it came out - or at least that's how I felt after blurting that out. The fact is that I truly believe (and know) that my husband deserves the appreciation he's shown - I even need to show my appreciation to him more. With all that he does not to mention the sleepless nights and how we all "get along with it," it's only fair for him to be thanked for what he does. Even Jesus expected appreciation in Luke 17.
It's ironic that when people then want to show appreciation for all we do, we almost turn it down - at least I almost did until I "retraced my steps." Indeed "I matter" and I don't need anyone to remind me or reinforce it. You do too - whether or not others appreciate you, it shouldn't matter. You matter - period!
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