"Let's agree to disagree"?
Do you think that should ever happen between Pastor & his Mrs.? I know it and does happen between them, but should it?
More than once, I have felt very differently about a proposal or programme for our family and even church than my husband thinks...and on occassion, I've felt very strongly about my thoughts. In fact, I'm sure that God has spoken to me about what to do, how, when and all the other details...and yet there is a "but" or at least a hold-up when I mention it to my husband.
At those times, it so easy to have the "God also speaks to me" attitude...Of course it's true that God does speak to us however, we need to be very careful in such situations because "disagreement" is a clog the devil want to put in you and your husband's wheel of progress. Indeed, God may have told you what to do, including how, why, when and where etc. but you need to agree - which could really mean submitting to your husband's "No" or "Wait" - in order to progress.
When it comes to the matter of "agreeing," the Bible is very clear:

The Bible also has an abundance of promises for "two together":
"Two are better than one, because they have a good [more satisfying] reward for their labor;" (Ecc 4:9 - Amp) I also like the NLT rendition: "Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed."
Isn't that the whole point of being Mrs. Pastor - we're "here to help"*?"Again I tell you, if two of you on earth agree (harmonize together, make a symphony together) about whatever [anything and everything] they may ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by My Father in heaven." (Matt 18:19 - Amplified) Isn't this such a wonderful promise? It's up to us to "agree and any and everything is possible in accordance with God's will."
"Each one of you will put to flight a thousand of the enemy, for the Lord your God fights for you, just as he has promised." (Jos 23:10 - NLT) So on our own we make some impact but it even gets better: "How could one person chase a thousand of them, and two people put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, unless the Lord had given them up?" (Deut 32:10 - NLT)
If you are 100% confident that God has spoke to you concerning something and your husband does not agree (at the time), I suggest you do 2 things:
- Submit wholeheartedly to your husband under God and then,
- Go back to God Who spoke to you and let Him do His work His way. God does not need you to force your way to have His way/will done.

We must be in agreement with our husbands so the threefold cord including God is in place. "A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." (Ecc 4:12 - NLT)
Ultimately, if we want to progress and also prosper in our marriages and ministries, we must be a twosome that is in agreement - that's a kingdom principle that always works.
It's ok if you do not agree with me...just let the Word, not the world, speak to you.
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