is valuable.
"It's good to be strong and able to bless others, yes. But we learned the value of being vunerable enough to let others be strong for us, to let others bless us. That, it turned out, was a blessing to them as well."

Let me stop there before I go off the point...
The paragraph I quoted above is a basic truth - better packaged than I could - that I have continued to remind myself about and really pray all Christians especially Ministry Leaders realize, accept and live by.
It's sad to see that a number of leaders and followers carry on as if nothing can ever go wrong for the leaders. Leaders, more specifically Pastors - not to mention their wives, are expected to be there for the members at all times no matter the time of the day - or night.
Without a doubt, it is a privilege and sometimes a pleasure to feel & be needed. We just need to be careful not to overstep our boundaries and forget that we're just as human as those who come to us for counsel, care and prayers. Leaders - especially church leaders - also need counsel, care and prayers. Even Paul requested for prayers for leaders and for himself in the ministry (see 1 Tim 2: 1-2; 1 Thess 5:25).
I need to tread (or is it type) carefully here. I'm not saying that you should not be strong and stable for those around you. I'm saying it's ok to reach out for help. I believe that a truly strong person is one who knows when to reach out and ask for help. This also brings forth the humility and humanity in us - which a lot of people can relate to.
The other part of how being vunerable can be valuable is that it gives others the opportunity to be a blessing to us. To be a blessing, you need to first be blessed and the flow continues for as long the person remains a blessing (see Prov. 11: 24-26). I know that a lot of people sadly let the opportunity slip by - it's their loss - what can I say?

Now, there is no need to organize pity parties to "fabricate" opportunities for others to bless us - we know how God dealt with grumblers, whiners and manipulators.
As exemplary leaders, God expects us to be gracious receivers not greedy requesters.
Being vunerable is most valuable because: God's strength shines through brightly in our weakness (see 2 Cor 12: 9-10).
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