God teaches us a lot with things He created. Have you heard of leader sheep? Well, here's a bit about them:
"The Icelandic leader sheep is a separate line within the Icelandic breed of sheep. The leader sheep are known for their leader characteristics and a specific sense of directions, that were highly valued traits under the extensive farming conditions in Iceland in earlier times. The leader sheep were used to bring the flock home in bad weather during winter grazing and they are still used to lead the flock when sheep are moved to and from summer pastures."*
This month, we'll discuss some key leadership attributes (imho) using the word "LEADER" as an acronym.
I believe that the first and most important quality of the Leader-sheep which we must also have as leaders of God's sheep, which we also are, is:
Like sheep (i.e. people) - In Ezekiel 34, God talks about His unhappiness seeing how poorly the shepherds treated His sheep. Just before the chapter ends, He says: 23Then I will set over them one shepherd, My servant David, and he will feed them. He will feed them and be their shepherd. 24 I, the Lord, will be their God, and My servant David will be their leader. I, the Lord, have spoken. (NLV)
If you do not like people, you cannot be an effective leader - and you'll never fulfill God's plan for His people under you. If you do not like people, it may be wise to go to God and ask if you were sent or one of those who just went...
The second quality - which we also see in the Leader-sheep is:
Example - To be an effective leader, you must be a good and stable example... Knowing that a few of us may be younger than some members of our church, we must take Paul's advice:
"Do not let anyone treat you as if you are unimportant [despise/disregard/look down on you] because you are young. Instead, be an example to the believers with your words, your actions [conduct; behavior], your love, your faith [faithfulness], and your pure life [purity]."**...and live in such a way that we can say like Paul did (more than once):

"Brothers and sisters, join together in following my example. Also, learn by watching those who are living the way we showed you."****
To "Like sheep," we must consistently follow the example of our Shepherd (Jesus) and be an Example...as He is to us.
In His words:
"I am the shepherd who cares for the sheep. I know my sheep just as the Father knows me. And my sheep know me just as I know the Father. I give my life for these sheep." *****May the Lord help us follow Him and be effective leader-sheep to His glory.
Happy Thanksgiving to all those celebrating today. I'm sure that there are so many reasons to be thankful in our individual lives. In addition to all those reasons, I thank God for you, your marriage, your family & your ministry...the world wouldn't be the same without all you do. You're deeply appreciated...
*http://www.rala.is/beta/28%20Icelandic%20leader%20sheep.htm (Italics, mine)
** 1 Tim 4:12 - Expanded Bible
*** 1 Cor 11:1 - Easy-to-Read Version
**** Phil 3:17 - Easy-to-Read Version
***** John 10: 14-15 - Easy-to-Read Version (Italics, mine)
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