Monday, December 15, 2014

"Cut yourself some slack..."

A few weeks ago, my husband was getting "stressed" over a flier that had unequal borders/ margins. I think the difference would have been ½ a centimetre - if it was that much. When he showed it to me and told me how he was planning to trim off the "extra" I looked at it and said to him, "It's ok as it is" actually what I meant but didn't vocalize was "Cut yourself some slack" - then decided to write about it.

I fully understand where my husband is coming from - because we were "baked in the same oven" under our dear Pastor Tony Rapu (@drtonyrapu). We were taught that our God is an Excellent God so Excellence should and must be our standard. I totally agree which is why in thinking that we needed to cut ourselves some slack, we must not become slack because:

He becomes poor who works with a slack and idle hand,
but the hand of the diligent makes rich.* 

Slack habits and sloppy work are as bad as vandalism.**
Being stressed and being slack are two ends of a continuum. We need to know when to "relax" a bit because if you're overstressed, you'll snap. Even elastic bands have a "breaking point" - and when it's past that point, it loses it's usefulness. I don't know how busy your year has been but I'm sure that the word "busy" may not fully capture it. As we inch our way towards Christmas (10 days to go), give your husband, family and yourself a present of some slack... 
Please take some time to rest and be refreshed. You know why? Next year will be busier than this year so you need the strength - not the stress - to keep bigger and better things.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas - one where you'll enjoy the presence of your family and friends more than the presents. Presents are nice-to-have
but the must-have is God's Presence. May He be with you and yours...
"See" you next year.

* Prov 10:4 - Amplified
** Prov 18:9 - The Message

Monday, December 8, 2014

It must be in the name...

I spent some part of Friday night and Saturday watching final goodbyes to an amazing couple.
It was both very sad and extremely sobering.
Person after person talked about how this Mrs. Pastor, who's husband was known all over the world, was content to be his helpmeet - in the shadows. In all the years, I'd heard and read Myles Munroe, I'd never heard his wife, Pastor Ruth Ann, speak but he never left anyone in doubt on how much she meant to him.

As I thought about it, I wondered if her name had anything to do with it all. The Bible tells us about her namesake: 
16-17 But Ruth said, “Don’t force me to leave you; don’t make me go home. Where you go, I go; and where you live, I’ll live. Your people are my people, your God is my god; where you die, I’ll die, and that’s where I’ll be buried, so help me God - not even death itself is going to come between us!”*

In this sad situation, she stood/sat by her husband right to the end. I guess for me the lesson from this was I must seek to complement my husband at all times. I agree that the names may be coincidental however, it was evident that she was clear on her purpose in life, marriage and ministry and was committed to it right to the end.

Another thing that stood out for me, from the tributes was that she took time to live fully with her friends. For some, being Mrs. Pastor can be lonely so we need to have a few friends. And beyond that, "make" and take time to spend quality time relaxing with them.

After such an emotionally-charged weekend, my prayer is that God will help us number our days, enjoy each day and also know and do all we have been called to do to His glory. AMEN!

*Ruth 1:16-17 (MSG)

Monday, November 24, 2014

Ways to show your church you love them* (4)

You'd think that after 3 weeks, we have enough tips on how to show our church that we love them. In some ways and with some of the tips in this and previous posts**, it almost feels like we should have a t-shirt that says just that - obviously someone has already come up with that idea :)

Let's move on...

Monday, November 17, 2014

Ways to show your church you love them* (3)

3rd week in a row, we've been sharing Sandra Peoples' tips. The key for me is not to try to do it all at once. In fact, there are some that will take time as you'll notice in this week's post:

17. Give generously of your time, money, and possessions. Mrs. Pastor: I remember talking a bit about giving** 2 years ago. It's truly a blessing and a grace to be able and willing to give. All I'll say is give your time to your family first...they are your first ministry.
18. Be visible and approachable around church. Mrs. Pastor: This is important - never put yourself on a pedestal.*** We must be an asset, not an accessory in and to our church. 
19. Realize that some of the pressure you put on yourself is just that- self-inflicted, and not from the church. Mrs. Pastor: This shows up in many ways. #17 above is a classic example of a tip that trips some of us up. Much as you may want to or believe you have to be, you don't have to be at everyone's beck and call. There's just not "enough of you." Some do things for others...just no one "says anything bad." Some others pressurize themselves in the dress arena.**** The list goes on... Depressurize so you don't explode or implode.
20. Take time to feed yourself spiritually- grow in the spiritual disciplines of prayer, bible study, and worship. Mrs Pastor: We must give ourselves the gift of time.***** I wrote about this 2 years ago and have really tried (and in many cases, succeeded) in finding and giving myself "do-nothing time." Once again confirming that, if you seek, you will find.
21. Don’t take a job or position just because if you don’t no one else will, allow others to step up and use their gifts. Mrs Pastor: I give myself a B+ here. Over this year, I have really gotten better at this - even if it feels like ants are crawling all over me. I've come a long way from when I wrote the piece on "What do you do in church?"****** I intend to get to an A+ soon. 
22. Get to know women in different life stages from your own and learn from them. Mrs Pastor: This is a great tip. I'm working on this but can do more here.
23. Be willing to accompany your husband on visits and in meetings so he is not alone with a woman. Mrs Pastor: This is a "by your husband's side" time...and the truth is you sometimes you don't know when others will be out and only the "woman" is home. I know it's not always possible especially at those times our husband spring visitation plans on us - that disrupt our planned family or even "me" time. Where possible, postpone something rather then let your husband be "exposed" - knowing that sometimes it's the visit that needs to be postponed.

We'll complete these next week...would be nice to know how you're doing so far.


Monday, November 10, 2014

Ways to show your church you love them* (2)

This is a continuation from last week's post. As usual, my comments will be in purple font.

10. Keep confidential matters confidential.
Mrs. Pastor: This is so true. Remember when I asked "Basket or Bucket?"** The fact that someone shared something with you doesn't mean you need to share it with anyone else (except your husband). For me the only exception is when it borders on Tip 12 below. We can all see smell and taste gossip when we hear it...yes all our senses pick up on it. However, in such cases ask God for wisdom on how to handle them.
11. You can’t do all things for all people, but be careful not to just do some things for some people.
12. Do not participate in gossip.
13. Respect your husband as the head of your family and the leader of your church.
Mrs. Pastor: At home and in church.
14. Spare your friends in the church the details of your marriage, find other women to share with who are not in your church.
15. Be real about your life, family, and weaknesses. Mrs. Pastor: This is so true. We must be real and relatable. Follow me on
16. Keep your home tidy (I’m not saying immaculate) for visitors. Mrs. Pastor: But first for your family - so it's obvious they are more important to you than visitors.

We'll continue next week....


Monday, November 3, 2014

Ways to show your church you love them*

Last month was "Pastor's appreciation month" - so I decide to "repay" that appreciation in a way...and was blessed to find this piece by Sandra comments will be in purple font.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Appreciating your pastor

Mrs. Pastor: When I read this article by Pastor James, I decided that the best time to share it was at the end of the "Pastor Appreciation Month" - just to say that I'm sure that just like we all want to be appreciated everyday, not just on our birthday or other special occasions, Pastor and Mrs. Pastor would appreciate more "regular" appreciation (pun intended). Let's read on...

October has been declared “Pastor Appreciation Month.” That often means cards and notes, perhaps some thoughtful gifts or recognitions.

We don’t get into this much at Meck. Don’t get me wrong, I feel incredibly appreciated by our community of faith. It’s just that “Pastor Appreciation Month” has never been a galvanizing force for people’s thoughts or feelings. And I certainly don’t mark it as a litmus test for appreciation.

Monday, October 20, 2014

5 Things Your Pastor's Wife Needs from You

As we know (or don't know), October is Clergy/Pastor Appreciation Month. So when I got this piece from another Mrs Pastor, it struck me that sharing excerpts from this article may help others know what they can do to "appreciate" their Pastor's wife (pictures mine).
5 Things Your Pastor's Wife Needs from You

Imagine a job acquired through marriage. One without pay, where you had to be on-call twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. What if your performance wasn’t measured solely on your performance but rather, on how well you managed EVERY other area of your life—your home, your finances, your budget. Add to this volunteering in every ministry, watching other people’s children, and providing meals to those in need.

In October, churches...are honoring their pastors, as they should, but let’s not forget their wives. They say behind every successful man is an encouraging and supportive woman. This is true ten times over when it comes to those involved in ministry. And yet, if you asked the wives, most would tell you they’re happy to do what they do—what they feel led to do.

Most would tell you they consider their role as a pastor’s wife a calling.

But they’re human, and even those who are called need support and encouragement once in a while.

Actually, a lot and often. Wanting to find out how we as congregants could best support these sweet women of the faith, I asked them to share some things they most need from us. Here’s what they said, and they all have asked to remain anonymous:

Be a Friend

You might be surprised to learn loneliness is a huge issue for pastor’s wives. Some of this is due to trust concerns, having been hurt or betrayed in the past. Other times it stems from false expectations or assumptions made by the congregants. But whatever the reason, it’s a common problem.

Many times, we assume everyone else is socializing with the PW. We don’t want to burden them with yet another invitation, and yet, the truth is, many times they go uninvited. Then, when they are invited, they’re often treated more like a sounding board or counselor than a true friend.

But one can only give so much before their emotional reserves run dry. Our pastor’s wives need someone to minister to them. Someone who will engage them as unique individuals, and simply be a friend.

Allow Imperfections

There was only one Jesus. Only one man who always said the right thing, always responded appropriately, never acted selfishly. Your pastor’s wife isn’t him. This means she’s going to do and say things that will hurt and offend you, as you also will do and say things that will hurt and offend her.

But it’s always easier to offer ourselves grace, isn’t it? We often make justifications for our behavior. We were stressed, or tired, or caught off guard. Yet somehow we believe our leaders and their families are above such things. As if they are instantly and always more righteous ... then everyone else on the planet. True, leadership comes with a certain amount of expectations and responsibilities, but even the best of us have bad days. Pastor’s wives included. When they do, we need to practice Paul’s words in Colossians:

“Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others” (Colossians 3:12-13).

Make allowances for, rather than judgments against, one another’s faults. In other words, assume the best rather than the worst. And when your PW does indeed offend you, forgive her. Let the offense go. Don’t bring it up again, rehash it a million times, tell the entire choir about it, and hold it against her for eternity.

Throw Out False All Expectations

Have you noticed how much we like others to be like us? To reach the same conclusions we do, to face the same trials. In fact, we empathize most with those going through something we ourselves have experienced.

But what about someone who is walking a step behind us an area? What if that someone is our pastor’s wife? Do we allow her the same grace and patience Christ gave to us?

“Though my congregation doesn’t expect me to be perfect, they expect me not to struggle in areas where they themselves have achieved victory,” says one PW. “The problem, of course, is that 300 people have achieved victory in vastly different areas, and I’m only one person.”

Accept Them For Who They Are, Not Who You Want Them to Be

Some PWs like a large number of friends, want to be part of every social gathering, and are the first to organize the ladies potluck. That doesn’t make them shallow & flighty.

Others would rather stay home with a great book. That doesn’t make them aloof & elusive. Neither activity makes them more or less spiritual than the other. Rather, it makes them unique women of God, created by him, to do a work he planned long before she ever came to your church.

That work, believe it or not, is to honor God and take care of their families. It’s not to attend to everyone’s needs and desires in the church. First and foremost, your PW is called to be a wife and mother.

“My God-given role as pastor’s wife is to be the wife of the pastor,” one PW says. “It’s not to volunteer in the nursery or to play the piano during service. I share my husband’s burdens and joys. I keep the family calendar and make sure he gets to our kids’ soccer games and choir performances. I have only so much tolerance for those who are filled with criticism and complaints. I am my husband’s wife and I adore him.”

Don’t Worry How They Spend Their Money 

This is a big one, isn’t it? After all, we, the congregants, are paying their husband’s salary. Shouldn’t they be good stewards of the tithe?

Yep. The church as a whole should be very forthright and honorable in how it handles it finances. And yes, the pastor and his wife, as children of God, should seek to honor God with all they are and have. (As should each of us.) But what makes you think you know what that stewardship looks like for them? Because truly, they aren’t accountable to you. And there’s not much you can wisdom you can gauge from appearances.

Besides, don’t we all have better things to do, like supporting and loving on our leaders? Their jobs are hard enough. Why not help make it a little easier & their day a little brighter?

There are numerous things we, as congregants, can do to love and support our pastor’s wives. I’ve named a few, but really, they all boil down to living out Jesus’ words in Luke 6:31, which says, “Do to others as you would like them to do to you” NLT).

Show your pastor’s wife the love, admiration, grace, acceptance, and respect you yourself want to receive, not only during pastor’s appreciation month but year round.

Always remember, she’s only human, a human with very real needs, real emotions, and real faults. But more than that, she’s a child of God called to a very difficult task. Let’s do all we can to make that role a little easier.

About the author
Jennifer Slattery lives in the midwest with her husband and their teenage daughter. She writes for Christ to the World Ministries, Internet Cafe Devotions, and maintains a devotional blog at JenniferSlatteryLivesOutLoud. Her work has appeared in numerous publications and compilation projects, and currently writes missional romance novels for New Hope Publishers.

Publication date: September 3, 2014



Monday, October 13, 2014

Thank you...yes you

As I thought about this post, "Thank you" were the 2 words that dropped in my heart. I know that October is Pastor/Clergy Appreciation Month so I decided to express some appreciation.

Monday, October 6, 2014

"When I was sick...

For a few weeks, if not months, this part of Matthew 25:36 has been ringing in my heart...and it took me a bit of time to pull my thoughts or heart-tugs together. Before we go further, let's read that section of the verse first:

Matthew 25:36b - "I was sick, and you cared for [visited; looked after] me. I was in prison, and you visited [came to] me.’" (Expanded Bible)

As I read and meditated on it, several questions came to my mind:

  1. How many people would believe, let alone visit their Pastor (or his wife) if/when he/she is ill?
  2. How many of the Pastor (or his wife's) "illnesses" are self-inflicted?
  3. What can we - Pastor, Mrs Pastor and church members - do to prevent Pastor (and/or his wife) from falling ill in the first place?
A few priceless answers - that require persistent action - come to mind:

The 1st thing everyone including Pastor and Mrs Pastor need to realize is that they are human. I've talked about this before*. So if they ( I mean, "we") don't take the time to develop and maintain healthy living habits, chances are that the promise of divine health will not be fulfilled in our lives. Living a healthy life includes our diet, bedtime and exercise. A lot of us cut out the exercise part forgetting that: " [For] Training your body [Physical exercise] helps you in some [or small] ways , but serving God [godliness] helps you in every way ·by bringing you blessings [since it holds promise] in this life and in the future life, too." (1 Tim 4:8 - Expanded Bible, emphasis mine). A lot of us focus on the 2nd part of the verse but the 1st half is just as important.
Even John F. Kennedy said:
"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body,
it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity."
The 2nd thing, is for Pastors and Mrs Pastors to not only disciple but also delegate things to others...that's one sure way you can develop others in ministry. I've seen and unfortunately heard some Pastors and Mrs Pastors say things like: "He/she won't know what to do" or "He/she doesn't know how to do it (as well or as fast) as I can (or would prefer)" - yes that's sad. In life, I have learned several things, these 2 are relevant here: Practice makes progress and My way of doing things is not the best or only way. If you keep an open mind and give people space to function, you can improve yourself too. Ronald Reagan, another US President has this advice for us: "Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don't interfere as long as the policy you've decided upon is being carried out."
So really all we need to do is to be clear on the vision and let others run with it...
We see the instruction to disciple and delegate in 2 Tim 2:2 and Hab 2:2 respectively
"You have often heard me teach.
Now I want you to tell these same things to followers who can be trusted to tell others." (CEV)
"Write my answer plainly on tablets, 
so that a runner can carry the correct message to others." (NLT)

The 3rd thing is you must do is, if you do fall ill, take the time to take care of yourself. Whether or not others visit and or care for you, care for yourself. Sometimes we want to keep going and "manage" the unhealthy situation. You cannot expect that by continuing to rush around, the illness will run away. I can tell you, from personal experience, that it won't. The illness will actually just be fuelled to dig it's roots deeper and deeper because you're not giving your body time to regain strength to fight that internal war. We should learn to listen to our bodies when they whisper before they start shouting and - God forbid - shutting down.

Divine healing is a wonderful benefit for us; divine health is better... and to some extent, it is dependent on our healthy living which includes regular rest. It's wonderful to be visited when you are sick but even better to be visited when you are well...


Monday, September 22, 2014

Moving from Point to Point...

A lot of times we're trying to move people from Point A to Point B - from where they are to where they should be - more like to where we think they should be.

A few years ago, we were having a conversation with Pastor Wale Adenuga and he made a comment around the fact that people only move from being part of the Audience to Congregation in church based on their Belief. Of course, I pulled it together so we have the A-B-C.

As I typed this, the Holy Spirit added that it's only in moving up to "Point D" that anyone will enjoy E F with G. So let's break that down.

It's one thing to progress from being a church goer (audience) to becoming a member (congregation) - as our belief (faith) deepens. The true value of life comes from Point D - when one becomes a Disciple because then we'll spend our Eternal life Forever with God.

The question I've continued to ask myself is what is my role - first as a Christian and then Mrs. Pastor - in helping people move not just from Point A to Point C but even to Point D? You know, your husband-pastor and other ministers could preach the most spiritually-sound sermons and then the relationship soil in your church could be filled with thorns and weeds. I've decided that the only person I can control is me. So I constantly assess (& till) myself - taming my words so they don't come out as weeds or thorns. The warning is clear in Mark 9:42
And whoever causes one of these little ones (these believers) who acknowledge and cleave to Me to stumble and sin, it would be better (more profitable and wholesome) for him if a [huge] millstone were hung about his neck, and he were thrown into the sea. (Amplified)

Whatever we do (or don't do), we should be encouraging others to keep moving forward and upward in their relationship with God. What a joy to see others progress...from point to point.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Follow me...

A few months ago, I was sharing a concern with my husband. I told him that there seems to be lack of depth among Christians and fewer people are disciples. He partially agreed with me and then said that when Jesus said "Follow me"* it was an invitation, not an instruction.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Something is missing...

The first time I saw this a few years ago, I was tickled...nice play with words and letters especially now that we've technologically advanced from shorthand to "short-speak" - yes, just look at texts & tweets and count how many words are complete.

As I pondered on it, I challenged myself and others who go on with the "something is missing" attitude.
I find that it is so easy to talk about all that is "missing" or not being done in our churches. Remember my piece on "Noted?"* Let's go on...

Monday, September 1, 2014

Focus on one...

A few months ago, someone shared a variation of the 'Each one, teach one' African-American quote - it struck me so I decided to tweak it a bit and share it and the related verses with you:
If each one reach (and teach) one and every one win one,
how many one ones will be won for Christ?
Mother Teresa put it this way:
Never worry about numbers.
Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.
Last year, God very gently got me over the "hump of numbers."
In fact, I remember Bishop TD Jakes talking about how frustrating it can be when he prepares and pours of himself into people and they still don't "get it." As some of us know from our own personal experience, it is frustrating and sometimes could have you double-guessing yourself and what you do - whether it's even worth it. 
I can tell you is it's worth it - yes it is!
Jesus gave us 2 examples of going after "The One."*
The bottom line is: All you, I, we, need to do is reach out to at least one person and the world will be a better place for everyone.

Paul also reminds us in 2 Timothy 2:2 -
And the [instructions] which you have heard from me along with many witnesses, transmit and entrust [as a deposit] to reliable and faithful men who will be competent and qualified to teach others also. (Amplified)
The truth is: Our faithfulness will determine our fruitfulness. Stay faithful to the path God has outlined for you - fruitfulness will follow...every tree with many fruits started from one seed.

Focus on the Ministry (to One) & you will not be in the Misery to many - who don't show up.
May God prosper our ministries - and put out our miseries - this year. AMEN!

Happy Labour Day to many of us and may our labour in His Kingdom not be in vain.

*Luke 15: 1-10 and Matthew 18: 11-14

Monday, August 25, 2014

Church isn't...

equal to God.

It's sad to see how many people equate church to God and vice versa. Unfortunately, I sometimes feel (and see) that Pastors and Mrs. Pastors (including me) are (can be) the biggest culprits. A few months ago, my husband and I had been rather busy and even out travelling in different directions and it almost felt like we were not in sync. The only solution was that we needed to spend some time together to reconnect - and we had service that day. As I tossed in bed, my mind tussled asking:

Monday, August 18, 2014


Are there times when someone says they're helping you and you look at what they are doing and you wonder - "Help? If this is help, I'm better off without it."

Monday, August 11, 2014

Message or


It's sad to hear so many "soft" messages - which I refer to as "massages" - rather than telling people things as the Lord has said...the way He did.

When God gives you a message for someone/a group how do you deliver it? In it's orginal form as given by God or do you change it to a "massage"?

When God gives a message, we must not massage it - we owe it to the recepient(s) to deliver it without modification. Softening messages doesn't soften the punishment for sin.
The Bible has examples we can learn from.
In 1 Samuel 3:15-19,* we see an example of a really young person who was afraid to give God's message verbatim. The recipient of the message pronounced a curse upon the messenger if he dared withhold or even massage the message to make it more "palatable."
In Ezekiel 13, we see God pronouncing destruction upon those who say things He did tell them to and then in chapter 33**, He pronounces curses those who don't say what He told them to.  God obviously has zero tolerance for those who mess (around) with His message... in fact He messes up their lives. We're in the end times when people will have itching ears*** - wanting the Word to suit them instead of adjusting themselves to suit the Word.
The truth is bitter - we only get better when we take it in its pure form. Be one of those who share the whole truth so the hearers and doers may be made whole.**** It's not about man's applause - our target must be God's approval at all times. When we deliver God's messages properly and promptly, we'll get divine massages from Him...pleasures in His presence.
*1 Sam 3:15-19 - Samuel lay there until morning, then opened the doors of the Lord ’s house. Samuel was afraid to tell the vision to Eli. But Eli called Samuel, saying: "Samuel, my son!" "I’m here," Samuel said. "What did he say to you?" Eli asked. "Don’t hide anything from me. May God deal harshly with you and worse still if you hide from me a single word from everything he said to you."  So Samuel told him everything and hid nothing from him. "He is the Lord , " Eli said. "He will do as he pleases." So Samuel grew up, and the Lord was with him, not allowing any of his words to fail. (CEB)
** Eze 33:7-9 - “You, son of man, are the watchman. I’ve made you a watchman for Israel. The minute you hear a message from me, warn them. If I say to the wicked, ‘Wicked man, wicked woman, you’re on the fast track to death!’ and you don’t speak up and warn the wicked to change their ways, the wicked will die unwarned in their sins and I’ll hold you responsible for their bloodshed. But if you warn the wicked to change their ways and they don’t do it, they’ll die in their sins well-warned and at least you will have saved your own life. (MSG)
*** 2 Tim 4:2-4 Preach God's message. Do it willingly, even if it isn't the popular thing to do. You must correct people and point out their sins. But also cheer them up, and when you instruct them, always be patient. The time is coming when people won't listen to good teaching. Instead, they will look for teachers who will please them by telling them only what they are itching to hear. They will turn from the truth and eagerly listen to senseless stories. (CEV)
**** 2 Tim 3:16 - God has breathed life into all of Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true. It is useful for correcting our mistakes. It is useful for making our lives whole again. It is useful for training us to do what is right. (NIRV)

Samuel didn't want to give Eli God's message....remember what Eli said?

May it be to your enemy.....who was this?

not messages.

Monday, August 4, 2014


...chose you? Who were you provided/ordained for?

Monday, July 28, 2014

Interesting insight...

Our God is amazing. Just last week I talked about how no Mrs. Pastor is "Wonder Woman"* only to see the same reference in a piece another Mrs. Pastor shared with me on the same day I published my piece.
So here's the piece I got. I'll add my pictures & comments (Mrs. Pastor) in other font colours other than black - you'll know them when you see them.
Nine secrets your Pastor's Wife wishes you knew**

She’s always there. Sometimes in the background, sometimes with a welcoming smile up front, sometimes noticed and appreciated, sometimes being silently judged. Your pastor’s wife; the powerful force behind most church leaders often perceived as a mystery by the rest of the church. It doesn’t have to be that way.
What if we just asked our pastor’s wife to candidly, honestly, even anonymously share some of their secrets? What if we invited them to share their hearts and tell us what they wished the church knew?
I posed a simple, open ended question to a panel of pastors’ wives in different states, from different denominations, with various years of service, “If you could tell the church a few things about your role as a pastor’s wife, what would you say?”
The women selected are the wives of music ministers, children’s leaders, senior pastors and youth pastors. Some of them serve in churches with large staff and even larger budgets, others in newer church plants, and even some from old and barely surviving congregations. Despite such different backgrounds, their responses were strangely similar and in several cases, almost identical.
I’ve sat for coffee, exchanged emails and had lengthy conversations with many who freely shared their secrets with me in exchange for the promise of anonymity. What follows is a condensed collection of their words.
1) “I wish people knew that we struggle to have family time.”
There was one common response that I received from every single pastor’s wife. Every. Single. One. Over and over again, many pastors’ wives shared numerous occasions where planned vacations had been cut short (wouldn’t that be hard?). They told me tales of family evenings being rearranged for crises of church members, middle of the night emergencies and regular interruptions. A true day off is rare; even on scheduled days off their husbands are essentially on call 24/7. Mrs. Pastor: I feel that we need to make the most of our time in town - sometimes you can have a "stay-cation." We need to set and respect our own boundaries. It can be difficult but don't give up without trying.
2) “Almost every day I’m afraid of screwing it all up.”
They don’t have it all together. They battle many of the same issues every other woman battles: marriage issues, extended family difficulties, sickness, finances, children who make poor decisions, fear and insecurities. Some seasons of life are obviously harder than others; but remember, ministry wives are not Wonder Woman with special powers. Please have a little mercy and extend grace. Mrs. Pastor: This is a great place to add that "we all bleed 'red'" - yes, blood red and so do our husbands and children. 
3) “Being a pastor’s wife is THE loneliest thing I’ve ever done and for so many reasons.”
Personally, I think this is surprising to many (it was to me). Several ladies shared the difficulties of finding friendships that are safe, being looked at (or treated) differently and even the desire to be invited for an occasional ladies night out. One woman shared, “Invite us to something just to get to know us. We like being known.” People in the church often assume that the pastor’s wife is always invited and popular. In reality, for whatever reason, many ladies fear befriending them. On Sunday mornings pastors’ wives are often sitting solo and those with children are essentially single parenting. Mrs. Pastor: I believe that we are lonely because we choose to be. No one but us decide whether to live in a "fishbowl"*** or not. As far as I know,there's no rule that our friends should be close by. In fact, it's better to have friends who are close in heart than close in sight because sometimes those close by may have the same beclouded judgment and not give sound counsel. The other part to it is if you and your children don't get invited to things, have your events and invite people to them. Remember it's not a popularity contest or an election campaign. If all else fails, it is helpful to look inwards and ask: "Is there something about me that I need to change?" Our Ever-present Spirit-oscope will guide you into all truth.
4) “It is okay and welcomed to have conversations with me about things that do not pertain to church, or even Jesus. There I said it!”
They have a variety of interests. Believe it or not, many pastor’s wives went to college and had full time careers before becoming “Mrs. Pastor’s wife.” Mrs. Pastor: I disagree with the "Mrs. Pastor wife" - you're either "Mrs. Pastor" or "Pastor's wife" not both - God forbid!  I'd like to believe this was a typo. Let's move on... They have hobbies, likes and dislikes, and though they often serve beside their husband, they are individuals with their own unique gifts. Do not make the mistake of assuming your pastor’s wife has the same personality as their husband. One wife shared that as newly-weds when they announced their engagement people regularly commented on how good of a singer she must be (because her husband to be was a music minister). When she shared that she sounded more like a dying cat than an elegant song bird the shock on their faces was evident. Mrs. Pastor: Clarify & clear assumptions - be really real & REAL.****
5) “Sundays are sometimes my least favorite day. Wait– am I allowed to say that?”
Sundays are hard. And long. And there is no rest. To a pastor’s wife, Sunday means an early morning of rushing around to have the family ready in their “Sunday Best.” Although you may not see your pastor’s wife on the platform, rest assured, Sunday is equally tiring for most (all) of them. Mrs. Pastor: Let's not forget all the prep and prayers that go ahead of Sunday.
6) “It’s hard to not harbor resentment or to allow your flesh to lash out at members who openly criticize his ministry.”
They hate church criticism more then anything. It’s hurtful. Offensive, and yes, it’s very hard not to take it personally. It is one of the most damaging things they witness regularly inside the church whether it be through emails, social media or gossip. They wish people understood how serious God’s word speaks on the danger and power of our words. And how much it injures the pastor’s family. Mrs. Pastor: For me, it's a continual prayer for more grace to overcome my "ego" and more grease to my elbows and focus on the work God has called us to. We all bleed red but when we remember that those who are dead (yes physically) don't hear or care about what people say about them. with God's help, some of those things should be water off a duck's back.***** Not easy but practice makes progress...
7) “Please don’t look down on me or assume I don’t support my husband just because you don’t see me every time the churches doors are open.”
Most wives are not paid staff. They are wives, mothers, and some are employed outside the home and need to be allowed the freedom to pray and choose ministries they feel called to. Mrs. Pastor: You know, if we don't support our husbands, they may not even be in ministry. Pillars that support buildings are sometimes seen and sometimes not...same concept.
8) “I wish people knew that we taught our children to make good choices, but sometimes, they don’t.”
Jokes about pastor’s kids should be avoided at all costs. The risk of rebellion in a “preacher’s kid” is no secret. They aren’t perfect, and never will be (are yours?). They have to learn to walk in their faith just like other children and need encouragement and love to do so. Again, extend grace. Mrs. Pastor: Remember my comment in #2? And then, children are just that - children.
9) “What I can tell you is I have been blessed beyond measure, I have been given gifts, money, love and prayer, so much prayer… by so many.”
They love their church and understand the role comes with special challenges and special blessings; it is fulfilling and brings them great joy. Mrs. Pastor: I personally appreciate every member of our church & keep asking God for ideas on how to show & say it more to more people.
One Extra Thought
Though it was not a common response, there was one that stood out. The top of the list of one seasoned pastor’s wife simply read, “I deleted my number 1.” Some secrets are so difficult to share, even the promise of complete confidence is not enough to bring them out.
These Godly women have something they want us to know and as a body of believers working together towards the same goal I think we might gain a better understanding of how to appreciate our leaders by listening. All of these responses point to a singular truth. Your pastor’s wife is a human being that desires to be known, just as you do. Mrs. Pastor: It's red within.
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