A pastor’s wife can often be her husband’s best asset or his biggest hindrance in ministry.
Mrs. Pastor: Sound familiar? Remember my piece on "Help-meet (vs. help-beat)"** She might see the church as her enemy–the job takes him away from her, their children, and their home. All plans are tentative, depending on what needs arise in the congregation. Mrs. Pastor: Amazing how that seems to be the order of the day for some pastors - actually more than God expects of them, if you ask me. When pastors’ wives stop seeing themselves in a battle for his attention, they can begin partner with their husbands in ministry. Mrs. Pastor: there many be a point here but I caution that no pastor's wife should ever be relegated assuming that God's bride matters more than the Pastor's bride - remember God can take care of His Bride better than anyone else can. Like Priscilla and Aquila, they work together to disciple and minister to others. Mrs. Pastor: Yes we have an honorable place - "By his side."***
- Pray for members specifically and often.
- Smile, a lot. Mrs. Pastor: Sometimes you need to smile even if it hurts ( a bit or a lot). I've found that when you make up your mind to smile, a warmth and glow flows to your heart...
- Serve the church with your gifts and talents.
- Be a willing hostess. Mrs. Pastor: Sometimes this can be tough...I guess it's one area where God's grace is sufficient to us for - so draw on it
- Show and tell your children’s Sunday school teachers and youth leaders how much you appreciate them. Mrs. Pastor: Agreed. Encourage others to too.
- Don’t always be the last one to pick up your kids from their classes or child care.
- Don’t take the best parking spot.
- Don’t expect youth to baby-sit for free.
- Write cards, letters, and/or emails to members. Mrs. Pastor: This is a good tip especially for those who like writing. I know not every Mrs. Pastor likes writing and it's ok because we're all different. Beyond that not everyone appreciates or even keeps cards/notes so take the time to know your audience - in this case, your church and "write" in a way they can see and "read" your love for them clearly.

Mrs. Pastor: It would be nice to know what you think of these 9 for starters. 7 more next week.
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