I sincerely enjoy working for and with the Lord. It was like an "adventure" when I was single... constantly looking forward to the next opportunity to be part of God’s move.
Becoming and being Mrs. Pastor is a totally different kettle of fish. A few months ago, in wanting to spend time with and be with my husband, I joined him and our children to set up equipment for service taking place later in the day. As I helped to move things around (and this wasn't my first time doing this), a thought crossed my mind: "I didn't sign up for this."
I quickly had a rethink and the words moved around too: "This isn't what I signed up for." Then the Holy Spirit spoke up and asked: "What did you sign up for?"
Thinking about it as the visual person I am, solid lines are practically absolute whereas, dotted lines have room for other things. So no one can say with certainty what he/she "signed up for" when getting married. This cartoon puts it so aptly...the only thing that's certain when you get married is nothing - and that includes everything. Yes, if there's one thing you know is that there's so much that you don't know. The only Person Who is certain is God - He's unchangeable and knows all the unknowns in our lives.
There is to much uncertainty in life so I'm really happy and blessed to be connected with the Only One Who knows it all and can and will give me grace for every assignment that He gives me. Yes, that's exactly what I signed up for: Grace (& sometimes grease) for every assignment from the Lord. What did you sign up for?

"Good question" was my response...so I spent some part of that day asking myself the very same question. I sure remember, and even replayed, how happy I was when I signed the dotted lines. It then occurred to me that God purposely designed the lines as dotted (with spaces in between) rather than as a solid line.

There is to much uncertainty in life so I'm really happy and blessed to be connected with the Only One Who knows it all and can and will give me grace for every assignment that He gives me. Yes, that's exactly what I signed up for: Grace (& sometimes grease) for every assignment from the Lord. What did you sign up for?
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