Excerpt “Help! I’m a Pastor’s Wife”
Daily works from morn ’till night
Perfect children, act just right,
House is always neat and clean,
Company may soon be seen,
Cheerfully at every meeting,
Smiling nicely with her greeting,
Slim, trim and always fit,
Confident and quick to wit,
Thrifty, smart and pretty, too.
Knows the Bible through and through,
Cooks and entertains with zest,
Never worried, never stressed,
Talent, charm and patience too,
Nothing that she cannot do,
Never existing in real life,
She’s the mythical preacher’s wife!*

If there is one thing to note about both "mythical" women is that in addition to being mythical, they were not married. So of course they didn't wear as many hats as we do.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to and actually keeping your home clean and having well-behaved children. The point is you (we all) need to remember that you are human and can only do so much - include rest - within 24 hours.
If people put you on a pedestal, remind them that you are human and you have feelings too - whether or not you show them. There are times when we do things only because we have to - not because we want to; the important thing is to do them as unto the Lord - with or without a smile, though a smile helps. No matter how much zest you have, if/when you're stressed be wise and take a rest otherwise you can never be your best when you're not at your best.
You can & should be a REAL Mrs Pastor - yes be Realistic, Expressive, Authentic, & Loving.**
* Poem by Beverly Novakoski
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** Feel free to "Like" - https://www.facebook.com/DearMrsPastor?ref_type=bookmark
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