...then trusted.
Those 3 words struck me as I listened to 1 Timothy 3 sometime ago. Let's read it together:
1 Timothy 3:10-13 10 Test them first. Then let them serve as deacons if you find nothing wrong in them [them blameless]. 11 In the same way, women [or women who are deacons; or deacon’s wives] must be respected by others [dignified]. They must not speak evil of others [be slanderers/gossips]. They must be self-controlled [sober] and trustworthy [honest; faithful] in everything. 12 Deacons must have only one wife [or be faithful to their wife] and be good leaders [managers] of their children and their own families [households]. (Expanded Bible)
It never ceases to amaze me how many people - especially Christians - want to be trusted (and given positions of authority) without being tested first. This scripture is clear that we must test then trust. In fact, for men, their wives and families are pivotal to their passing that test.

You cannot be more committed to the work of God than you are to your family. Yes, you read me right. If you claim to be committed to the word of God, it will show in your commitment to your family first and foremost before your commitment to the work of God. God is more interested in our walk with Him than in our work for Him - because that is the only way we can be assured of getting to our eternal destination.
Just like respect, trust is earned not demanded.
If you really believe that you should be trusted and given more recognition and authority in the things of God, then we must be willing to be tested. Think about tires, they are only recommended by their manufacturers because they trust them based on the tests conducted and passed. (Did you notice the "s"? There will be many and varying tests, in order to get to high levels of trust.)
Likewise, if we truly want to be in service and of service to God, we must be willing to be tested and first pass the "tests" as individuals and also as a family. This is not to say that we always past the test the first time...the important thing is to pass the test eventually. Only then can we be trusted and more things will be committed to our hands - just as Luke 16:10a says:
Whoever can be trusted with small things can also be trusted with big things. (ERV)
Paul experienced this first-hand as he recounted in 1 Thessalonians 2:4: But we speak the Good News [Gospel] because God tested [approved] us and trusted us to do [or entrusted us with] it. When we speak, we are not trying to please people, but God, who tests [examines; approves] our hearts. (Expanded Bible - emphasis mine)
Have you been tested? Can you be trusted? Are you ready and willing to be tested again?
Only the tested can be trusted to focus on pleasing God, not man, in the work of the ministry.
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