Monday, June 29, 2015

Who sees? Who hears...

Who cares?

You can't imagine how delighted I am that I can finally write and publish this piece. I got this title over a year ago because of how I felt but didn't feel I should write from the dregs of my soul. Any accomplished or aspiring writer know that it's always best for themselves and their readers when the write right from the depths of their heart - and that's exactly what I'm doing.

To set this in context let me take you back a year and maybe even a few months ago...

Monday, June 22, 2015

Beyond courtesy

I cannot remember exactly when this started but the Holy Spirit drew my attention to it a few months ago. There is quite a bit of "Christianese" woven into our emails to members of the church, or even to others when we use our personal mailbox.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Father's Day...everyday

I can't really explain why I needed to wait till the week before Father's Day to share this. Maybe we can figure out why together...

Monday, June 8, 2015

(Not) for my husband's sake

Have you ever been in a situation where you just want to be left alone? Well I have - more than once. I mean there are times that I can't but wonder what else everyone wants of me - because it sometimes feels that I've given all of myself and it still doesn't seem enough.
Sound familiar?

Monday, June 1, 2015

Just right!

Whether you met and/or married your husband before or after your became a pastor, one thing is certain: You are just right for him!