Who cares?
You can't imagine how delighted I am that I can finally write and publish this piece. I got this title over a year ago because of how I felt but didn't feel I should write from the dregs of my soul. Any accomplished or aspiring writer know that it's always best for themselves and their readers when the write right from the depths of their heart - and that's exactly what I'm doing.
To set this in context let me take you back a year and maybe even a few months ago...
There was a time when my heart was crying out: "Who sees? Who hears? Who cares?" because it didn't seem like people cared about their pastor of Mrs Pastor - actually more like cared about Mrs Pastor or even other members of the church.

As our conversation progressed, I was truly gladdened to hear that people notice each other's countenance and reach out to them lovingly - even with things a simple as a silent "I don't know what you're going through but I do care" hug. I was particularly pleased at our consensus that when we notice things, rather than wanting to hear the full story, we can just hug the person, then call later and express our love and care for them. Then of course take a step further to pray for them in our closets...that's the DNA of great church.
Lord, thank You for making me a part of such a seeing, hearing and caring church...
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