I had to stop when I came across this translation of this verse...and wonder if I ever "say" that not in words, but in action:
Genesis18:5 ~ “Let me get you some food to give you strength before you leave.
I would be honored to serve you.”
“Thank you very much,” they answered. “We accept your offer.” (CEV, emphasis mine)
Before we go too far, let me quickly say that I know that this happened in Abraham's home and most times (actually all the times) I have shared or heard others share on this verse, the focus is to encourage us to be (more) hospitable in our homes. I fully agree but want to extend this to the House of our Father - after all, your Father's House is your home... I'm sure you'd agree since we some of us recite the end of Psalm 23 often: "And I shall dwell forever [throughout all my days] in the house and in the presence of the Lord."* Well I do.
So the question is when we think of serving others, do we consider it an honour and privilege? Or do we deem that because we are Pastor, Mrs. Pastor or Ministers we have a right to be served? It's so easy to condemn the Zebedee brothers who (through their mother) wanted the equivalent of "Chief Minister" positions. How dare they seek such a 'promotion.' Let's see the conversation in Matthew 24: 24-28 and Luke 9: 46 & 48 respectively:
24 The other ten disciples were indignant when they heard what James and John had asked for. 25 But Jesus called them together and said, “Among the heathen, kings are tyrants and each minor official lords it over those beneath him. 26 But among you it is quite different. Anyone wanting to be a leader among you must be your servant. 27 And if you want to be right at the top, you must serve like a slave. 28 Your attitude must be like my own, for I, the Messiah, did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give my life as a ransom for many.”**
46An argument started among them as to which of them might be the greatest [surpassing the others in esteem and authority].*** 48“You become great by accepting, not asserting. Your spirit, not your size, makes the difference.”****A few months ago, I saw an interesting display of this "honour." We were at a Ministers' Training when it was lunch time, we also seized the opportunity to network. From the corner of my eye I noticed 2 other Mrs. Pastors serving others after watching for a very short time, I jumped in and helped. It was nice to see the different reactions - now let's not try counting how many people (I heard) say "Thank you." I guess that's another topic for another day...
As we wrap up this Pastor Appreciation Month, I challenge myself, all other Mrs Pastors and our darling husbands (and Ministers too) to see service to others as an honour and a privilege.
Let that be our way of appreciating all that Jesus did and continues to do for us - after all, He's our Eternal Pastor and should also be appreciated. Indeed service is an honour and privilege.
* Ps 23: 6 - AMP
** Living Bible
*** Luke 9: 46 AMP
**** Luke 9: 48b - MSG
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