Monday, November 16, 2015

"...the Lord will use a woman..."

A few months ago, I was sharing with one of my Mrs. Pastor friends on this and finally felt it was time to share this word the Lord had impressed on my heart last year.

I had this experience and heard of a similar experience from other Mrs. Pastors so I'm very cautious as I share this because it can be very easily taken the wrong way. I hope and pray fact, my prayer is that it liberates at least one Mrs. Pastor as it liberated me last year.

Considering that wasn't my first time of reading or listening to Judges 4, I was fascinated when the Lord opened my eyes to another woman besides Deborah. In fact, many people, including me, have talked and written about how Deborah was introduced - after being introduced as a professional, we were told she was also a wife. Possibly an indication of work-life balance.

Let's read the passage in Judges 4 that this post will be based on together

Barak said to her, “If you go with me, I’ll go. But if you don’t go with me, I won’t go.” Deborah replied, “Certainly, I’ll go with you. But you won’t win any honors for the way you’re going about this, because the Lord will use a woman to defeat Sisera.” So Deborah started out for Kedesh with Barak. (italics mine)
Then in verses 20-22, we are introduced to another woman - Jael. The point here for me is that Deborah knew - was sure - that it was God's intention to use a woman - and I'd like to believe that she didn't delude herself into believing that "A woman = Deborah." I hope not.

So let's extend that to our lives as Mrs. Pastor. There are all sorts of molds out there (some are even "mouldy") that we need to start challenging and maybe changing as led by the Lord. It's great to see how much progress we've made from that age-long expectation that the Head of the Choir/Lead Singer is a Female - and in some cases, Mrs. Pastor or that only females should be in the Children's and Teens' churches. However, we still have a ways to go.

Now in some areas the gender of the leader does matter. For instance, a female should not be the head of the Men's Fellowship nor should a male head the Ladies' Fellowship. But who said the head of these Ministries must be Pastor and Mrs. Pastor respectively?

I'll leave you with that question. It would be great to read your answers either here or on FB.

Remember, "...the Lord will use a woman..." and He chooses which one.

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