(oops it dropped)
Has that ever happened to you? I'm sure you're wondering what the question is about.
As Mrs Pastor, we juggle a lot of balls - including some balls that our husbands were juggling. Then we decide to pass/throw one of the balls to someone else - by way of delegation, the person sometimes doesn't "catch" it and the ball drops. Now what?
Now let's transpose this into our churches. What do you do when delegating you say "Catch" and the ball is dropped? What should you do? Take the time to find out what went wrong. For all you know, there were several people who heard the "Catch," each person thought the other person will catch it & in the end no one caught it. It could also be that the timing was wrong. It's not time to start a blame-game otherwise people will no longer want to "play"/partner with you.
Your reaction/response should also be measured depending on what the ball is made of: Rubber balls always bounce back up while glass balls break. If it breaks, help pick the pieces, learn the lessons from that "oops" and move on. When I say move on, I mean keep throwing balls not as a way of showing up others' shortcomings but as a way of helping them "come up". Remember that it's not every time the Lord said "Catch" to you that you caught the (right) ball.
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