Monday, February 29, 2016

Take a LEAP...

At the time I wrote this title, I had no idea what the content of the post would be.
Then I was inspired to look for pictures - it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words...

When I found this picture, thoughts came to and now through me. Leaping is a quick movement or forceful jump (noun) as a verb it means to jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force (verb)

So essentially it cannot be done "in comfort." Leaping is doing something that you usually wouldn't want to do.
It is challenging yourself to and then actually stepping outside of comfort zone.

 Shannon L. Alder is right when she says:
“Life always begins with one step outside of your comfort zone.”  
Imagine what would happen if a baby refused to come out of the comfort zone of his/her Mother's warm womb? Indeed, we don't want to imagine the sorrow and even the lost potential.

In this Leap Year, I encourage you to stretch yourself and leap into new and exciting things. You may even find yourself fulfilling some of your dreams that were beyond your reach - because they were outside your comfort zone.
You may also want to read these pieces written about Walking on Water:

Wishing you a fulfilling Leap Year

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