Everyone is in this together - with each person, family, community, city and nation trying to determine the best path(s) to take. And the church is not left out...
Pastors are wondering how to keep in close contact with their congregation members virtually. How can they ensure that the church members remain "plugged in" and connected to the church family in spite of the social distancing precaution?

How can I support my husband during this uncertain times? As I prayed about it, the Holy Spirit reminded me that in coming up with various suggested solutions, I need to also realize that there are (many) times to be still and silent in order to gain strength for my husband
and I versus strain or even drain our strength.
So this is my prayer - which I share with you: May God inspire us all on how to stay plugged in - including how & when to identify and share ideas with our husbands versus inundate them.
The conclusion of the matter is: THIS TOO SHALL PASS...AND IT SHALL END IN PRAISE!
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