Let's think about that question. I usually say: "the fact everyone is doing the wrong thing does not make it right." It is so easy to get carried away by the current - in a bid to be like others. I do my best to remember that as Mrs. Pastor, I cannot be like every other Mrs. Pastor - I can learn from them but not be like them. I like to remind myself that God has a distinct assignment for me - I can learn how to accomplish it with other people's trials, tips tools, techniques and triumphs but must never try to replicate what they have done.

There are a few women - Mrs Pastors and Mrs alike, who though I'm not close enough to them for them to be my mentors, I look up to them as role models. Are there any such individuals you have identified? You people you'd "like to be like when you 'grow up'?" I take care in "liking" so I have a godly standard. I've also with drawn my "role model liking" from some because they have strayed off. Rather I learn from them what not to do. So: "Who is your standard?" Who do you want to model your life after? We know the best example that ever lived...
A note of caution: Be careful as you choose a role model &/or mentor so you remain aligned with the Word of God not the world. To an extent, I agree with Tyron Edwards that: "People never improve unless they look to some standard or example higher and better than themselves." Oliver Goldsmith put it differently: "People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves to copy." So we need to consciously look for the higher and better...
The bottom line is: The right higher standard sets you up for success. Look up...
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