The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me], I shall not lack. He makes me lie down in [fresh, tender] green pastures; He leads me beside the still and restful waters.*
Ezekiel 34:14:
Isaiah 40:11:
He will feed His flock like a shepherd: He will gather the lambs in His arm, He will carry them in His bosom and will gently lead those that have their young.*
Jeremiah 23:4:
And I will set up shepherds over them who will feed them. And they will fear no more nor be dismayed, neither will any be missing or lost, says the Lord.*
Then will He give you rain for the seed with which you sow the soil, and bread grain from the produce of the ground, and it will be rich and plentiful. In that day your cattle will feed in large pastures.*
As you can imagine (and may have experienced), it is quite a draining task (spiritually, emotionally and physically) to:

- lead others - some may not want to go
- feed them - even on mountains of life
- carry some - willing but unable to follow
- encourage - so they are not dismayed
- look out for them - so no one gets lost
So it goes without saying that the shepherd also needs to be taken care of so he can continue to take care of the sheep God has placed in His care. This is where we come in. While we may be involved in caring for the sheep (directly) alongside our husbands, we must not neglect taking care of the shepherd.
It is a fact that if the pasture is kept green, the sheep will come. However, the shepherd needs to be fit to remain connected to the Source Who keeps the pasture green and to guide (& guard) the sheep that come.
God will help us care for the shepherd in our personal care. Amen.
*Amplified Bible
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