I was just wondering if you were wondering why postings are published on Mondays. You may have noticed that from the 4th day of the 4th month of this year, all the posts on this blog, except one, have been on the same day of the week - one we all look forward to in some form or fashion...

Well, its no mystery...I know that several Pastors (& Mrs. Pastor) see Monday as their day off. Some Pastors have date-night on that day, others don't go to the church office and some others fast...different strokes for different folks and that's understandable...
With that at the back of my mind, I felt that's also a great day to "unwind and connect" with other Mrs. Pastors - hence the Monday postings.
So thinking about a "day off" - is there really any such thing for Pastor or Mrs. Pastor? Should there be? I believe that everyone, including (if not especially) Pastors and Mrs. Pastors need and have to have a day off. Otherwise, they will burn out & then be of no use to anyone - not even to themselves or their families.
This not to say that if you are in ministry part-time or either of you has a full-time/part-time secular job that you should take Monday off. It's just that you need to consciously find a way to have s a "day-off" and it could be pockets of different days in the week. You have to find time to rest even if your church has activities on Mondays. The bottom line is everyone needs to have time off.

I know my husband is sometimes exhausted on Mondays - like I am. And it's not about who did more work - ministry or otherwise - over the weekend. So for those who are able to take Monday off after an engaging weekend, use that day to rest and be refreshed - and get ready for the great week & work ahead. Even God had a day off...
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