Personally, I believe that that can be and is rather dangerous ground because, the fact that someone confided in you once doesn't mean that they want you in their face or space all the time - especially when uninvited... Think about it, it could mar your relationship too not to mention impact the respect they have for you - that flies out the window very quickly.
Sometime ago, someone who considers me her friend (or so I think) confided in me and then I encouraged her and prayed with her. From time to time, I asked how things were going and at other times she gave me unsolicited updates. After a while, no updates came and I was itching to hear. I mentioned this itchy "itch" to my husband and he advised that I should not (& must not) ask for an update.
That "order" resonated with me because the fact that that person opened up to me does not give me the licence to pry in her affairs. We must be content as Mrs. Pastor or even as Christian friends to be on the back burner sometimes.
Theodore Roosevelt said,
Sometimes, we demonstrate our care for them by staying out of their space
...and staying in God's face
(on their behalf).
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