Monday, October 10, 2011

Doing the dishes...

I felt led to give us all a "gift" by sharing on how wonderful one of the many household chores we need to and have to do can be, and for me, is a pleasant one. 
We’re blessed to have a dishwasher – not sure our dishwasher will agree with me though.
In fact, I am sure and know that for a fact and will explain why shortly... 
One of my recurring challenges in my Christian Walk is finding that perfect time for my “Quiet Time” (QT).  Just when I think I’ve found that sweet balance, something changes.

It goes without saying that the need for a QT is even more imperative for me (& us) as Mrs. Pastor – there are so many more people and things to care about and of course pray for.
Over the years, I’ve tried many methods based on tips from books I’ve read and messages I’ve heard. Of all my sources, I love the book: "Prayer as a Way of Life" - it is about some Christian Women's prayer lives. My take-away was: “discover what works for you, stick to it and leave some wiggle room so you can be flexible as your situation changes.” Put simply, that book liberated me years ago - and that's one of the reasons why our dishwasher creaks sometimes when it’s in use. You' got it right – we don't use it very often.
I’ve found out that while I’m doing the dishes by hand, I have the opportunity to have some part of my QT and be "alone with God". Note that it doesn’t have to be entirely silent around you for you to be quiet before God – at least for me it doesn’t need to be. When I wait till my family is in bed before I do the dishes, it’s quieter – except for the serene sound of running water in the background.
As I write this, I remember a recent occasion when I received a call from someone who needed counselling and prayers...shortly after I started on the dishes and my family had gone to bed. While praying with the person, the Holy Spirit reminded my why doing the dishes by hand can be a pleasant place to be...
As Mrs Pastor, it goes without saying that for you and your family’s sake and the sake of the elect (& the unsaved) in your husband’s care, you must find time to be alone with God – even if your dishes are in the vicinity.  Personally, I just do my best not to use that as an excuse to over-stack my sink and also remember to share that “pleasant place” with my children. Who knows, that may turn out to be one of their places of prayer too; they may even be more creative with all the technology they have now.

In closing, I'm sure we all have (or at least desire and strive to) have that pleasant place where we immerse ourselves in the Presence of God through prayer and reading the that we can and should pass on as a legacy. We can also reinforce what we have read by listening to the Word while doing the dishes or even doing other things.

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