Early this year, we invited a Mrs. Pastor to our Night with the King (Women's Night vigil) and it was quite a night to remember to say the least.
What I found most interesting was how she stepped "out of the box." If you were asked to share that topic, what are the first 3 things that will come to your mind?
Personally, I would have started with the definition of the key words and then explained how they apply to our lives and end up with how we can start pursuing right away in the place of prayer...so we could recover all that we believe we have lost as soon as possible; afterall, God promised to restore what we have lost...
Her approach was a far cry from that...she put a totally different spin on it...
In fact, by the time she was done, or shall I say the King of kings was done with us, we were all "wow"ed in His presence. There was not much more to say than to thank the King for spending the night with us - and using Mrs. Pastor.
When she started, she touched on one area which I would have: the need to recover something must be borne out of a realization that you have lost (or misplaced) something that you previously had. Indeed, there have been times in my life where I didn't notice that I'd lost (or misplaced) something until I needed it. So the first step in pursuing to recover is that realization.
She then went on to explain how people lose things and that it is not everything we lose that God expects us to pursue after to recover. Now that was a jolt!!!
There are things that we have lost that are not worth recovering. In 2 Kings 20 and 21, when God asked Hezekiah to prepare himself for his death, he asked for an extension of life. God granted his request - unfortunately that extension made a mess of the godly legacy he would have left behind - it was not worth it.
Another example we dwelt on was friendships and relationhips. God places people in our lives for a reason and a season. Too many times, we do not notice when those reasons have been accomplished or the seasons are over and keep trying to hold on to history. Now, that pinched me a bit because I pride myself in being a "long-time" friend. I guess I definitely need the spirit of discernment to know which friendships/relationships to let go off instead of all the emotional and even psychological heartache I put myself through.
She concluded by saying, we must all ensure that God wants us to recover whatever we have lost and then ask Him for the strategies and tools for pursuing to recover all or some of what God wants us to. Like David, we must let God equip us and ask Him what to do at every step of the way, if we should continue to pursue to recover...
What I found most interesting was how she stepped "out of the box." If you were asked to share that topic, what are the first 3 things that will come to your mind?
Personally, I would have started with the definition of the key words and then explained how they apply to our lives and end up with how we can start pursuing right away in the place of prayer...so we could recover all that we believe we have lost as soon as possible; afterall, God promised to restore what we have lost...
Her approach was a far cry from that...she put a totally different spin on it...
In fact, by the time she was done, or shall I say the King of kings was done with us, we were all "wow"ed in His presence. There was not much more to say than to thank the King for spending the night with us - and using Mrs. Pastor.
When she started, she touched on one area which I would have: the need to recover something must be borne out of a realization that you have lost (or misplaced) something that you previously had. Indeed, there have been times in my life where I didn't notice that I'd lost (or misplaced) something until I needed it. So the first step in pursuing to recover is that realization.
She then went on to explain how people lose things and that it is not everything we lose that God expects us to pursue after to recover. Now that was a jolt!!!
There are things that we have lost that are not worth recovering. In 2 Kings 20 and 21, when God asked Hezekiah to prepare himself for his death, he asked for an extension of life. God granted his request - unfortunately that extension made a mess of the godly legacy he would have left behind - it was not worth it.

I have always known that we cannot have too many friends...but I still struggle to hold on to my "long-time" friends. That night, I learned that there are some of those "long-time" relationships and even recent ones that I need to let go of...they are not worth being held on to or being recovered if I lose them...lest they drag me away from the God's will for me.

It was a life-changing night for me. It is such a blessing to have other Mrs. Pastors in your life...to build your capacity and the capacity of those around you.
Wrote this months ago but I'm publishing this close to her birthday as a sign of my appreciation of her presence in my life...
Mrs. Pastor, you're one of my hugs from God.
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