From experience, being Mrs. Pastor is really challenging (I doubt anyone of you Mrs. Pastors out there would disagree with me). I mean it's one thing to be clueless about your calling and then be very aware of the ministries' "calling" for your attention and action and have no choice but answer. In fact, I'm sure a lot of members see that as part of our role as his "help-meet."

Now I totally agree that this very important position of Mrs. Pastor, is in deed a "high calling."** The fact is every wife is (should be) important to her husband - but for Mrs. Pastor, it is much more than that... I know that this whole "Mrs. Pastor" thing is quite the mystery for some & unfortunately a misery for others. Personally, I have found that by walking with God, He'll shed light on what you need to do so you move from Mrs-try to Ministry - where it is much more fulfilling. I pray we can all move from misery/mystery &/or Mrs-try to Ministry...your reward awaits you - and it will definitely be well worth it.
God bless.
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