"Prayer Partner needed!"*
I remember recommending that if we must have a Prayer Partner - which I believe we must - it's best to start with and have our husbands as our Prayer Partners. The reason is simple and scriptural: Genesis 2:25 tells us that:
"And the man and his wife were both naked and were not embarrassed or ashamed in each other’s presence."**As you would well know, there are things that you share with your darling husband and he doesn't seem to get it... Well, your husband is not (and must never be) a woman so it makes sense that he may not understand or appreciate how you feel about certain things. I'd been praying about this for a while and indirectly looking around wondering if I'd find another prayer partner. Well, late last year a dear friend and I got talking and within moments of chatting, we realized we both had the very same need: the space and place to "pray openly" without being "embarrassed."
I'm so excited about this Prayer Partnership especially since my friend is also a Mrs. Pastor so you can imagine how wonderful it is to be able to share some of those things that your husband didn't seem to get. It's also so refreshing and reenergizing to know that I can freely share my personal, pastoral and professional burdens and know that they're all in a safe place - my friend's heart and prayers.
It's because of this and many other destiny-related matters that I take my choice in friends very seriously - as I've written about more than once.*** It has always been said that a burden shared is a burden halved*** and this is aligned with Galatians 6:2
By helping each other with your troubles [bearing each other’s burdens], you truly obey [accomplish; fulfill] the law of Christ.****
****Expanded Bible
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