I believe that this "successful" experience with children has encouraged adults to "spoon-feed" other adults. I see this a lot in church - among Mrs Pastors - and wonder why. Now I'm not sure if Mrs Pastors do it to make themselves feel more important or influential in the lives of those around them or because they don't know any better. If you see one adult spoon-feeding another wouldn't you suspect that there may be something wrong with the adult being fed hence the need to be spoon-fed? If that's the case why do we need to spoon-feed members - with information etc.? When you think about it, with children, after a while we drop the spoon and expect them to pick up the spoon and feed themselves.
From the day it struck me, I watch myself so I don't fall into spoon-feeding mode. I do my best to catch myself - and when I don't my husband catches me - in fact, we catch each other. Going a step further, I plan to start saying: "Drop that spoon!" to myself when faced with spoon-feeding "trapportunities."
I am not saying we should not help others - far from it! We need to help others so they can also help others - remember, we're blessed to be a blessing. Spoon-feeding another adult is a disservice because you're not equipping him/her. You may need to spoon-feed others for a while, but not forever.
E.M. Forster put it so well:
“Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.”
We have the unique opportunity to help others become interdependent - knowing that each person has something to give and should give for the good of many more - rather than making them eternally dependent on you or others.
If you catch yourself spoon-feeding adults tell yourself to: "Drop that spoon!"
I know it may not be easy - especially if you're called "Mummy" in your church however, remember that it's for that person's ultimate good - which I believe is why you wanted to spoon-feed him/her in the first place. God will help us...
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