My story: My family and I were on our way to church when someone called my husband to say that they could no longer take an assignment. Without missing a heart-beat, my husband turned to me and informed me that I'll need to take that assignment on - in addition to the other assignment I already had.

There was no question if I was ok with it - none whatsoever. It was a reassignment and that was it. I then started wondering how many people & assignments I need to be a "Plan B" or back-up resource for. Note that I'm not complaining just wondering...
I guess 2 Timothy 4:2 is meant to prepare us (all Christians) in a way:
Preach the Good News [Gospel]. Be ready at all times [whether it is convenient or inconvenient; in season or out of season], and tell people what they need to do [correct; reprove]. Tell them when they are wrong [Rebuke]. Encourage [Comfort; Exhort] them with great patience and careful teaching [ all patience and teaching],*Having said that, it can be a challenge living as a "Plan B" for others & being your own "Plan A" at all times. Talk about always being on top of your game - it's just that this is not a game we're dealing with people's destinies. So each time I need to be "Plan B," I simply draw on God for grace to bring Him praise.
* Expanded Bible
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