...it's not just destructive, it's a deadly disease too.
When the Lord laid this in my heart, He warned me sternly - because a number of people in ministry Pastors and their wives are susceptible to PSC and it's very infectious. He also shared with me the following examples of people who were destroyed by or died of PSC.
There was Eli (who was warned by the Lord but he ignored God - see 1 Sam 2:29; 3:13, 18) and then Saul (who blatantly disobeyed God and cared more for the applause of men than the approval of God - (see 1 Sam 13: 9-14;15: 20-21, 30). PSC led to their downfall and demise. PSC also led to Herod's sudden (and unprecedented) death in Acts 13:21-23.
Kings David (2 Sam 24) and Nebuchadnezzar (Dan 4) were close to destruction from PSC - God just had mercy on them. In David's case, the people suffered too from the plague (2 Sam 24:15-17) while in Nebuchadnezzar's case, it led to his demotion for 7 years (Dan 4:28-37).
In case you hadn't figured it out, "PSC" stands for "Positional Superiority Complex" and is rooted in pride - and the fruit is not just poisonous, it's deadly. Talking about King Uzziah the Bible says:
"But when he became powerful, his pride destroyed him." (2 Chron 26:16a - GWT)
It is easy - and sometimes unintentional - to become "heady" as the head. Sadly some Pastors and/or their wives feel that because they are over people they are over all and know it all.
One of my pastors, Pastor Tony, used to quote Prov 29:1 a lot and it stuck in my head and heart - it says:
If you get more stubborn every time you are corrected,
one day you will be crushed and never recover. (GNT)
The reason people are "stubborn" when corrected is due to pride and I'm sure we know that:
The Lord detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished.*
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.**
Pride leads to destruction; humility leads to honor.***
First pride, then the crash - the bigger the ego, the harder the fall.****
God stands against the proud, but favors the humble.*****
As leaders, we really need to be careful and not let that our "headship" (leadership) positions don't get to our head. Remember Pharaoh in Exodus? The Lord repeatedly said (in Ex 4:21; 9:12; 14:17-18) He will make him hard - headed - that's what led to his destruction and death.
No matter how "high" or highly placed you are, always remember you are human^ and humble yourself under the hand of our Most High God.
* Prov 16:5 - NIV
** Prov 11:2 - NIV
*** Prov 18: 12 - CEB
**** Prov 16: 18 - Message
***** James 4:6b - CEB
^ http://mrs-pastor-and-pastor-mrs.blogspot.ca/2014/03/not-perfect.html
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