Matthew 5:14-16
“You are the light that shines for the world to see. You are like a city built on a hill that cannot be hidden. People don’t hide a lamp under a bowl. They put it on a lampstand. Then the light shines for everyone in the house. In the same way, you should be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.” (ERV)
3 things struck me about this passage:
The first thing is that this is one commandment for each & every one of us - every Christian.
No exceptions. I agree that light comes in different wattage but they all have the same purpose - which to dispel and displace darkness - when we function as we should.
The 2nd thing is this is an expectation for each day, not just on Sundays. As Mrs. Pastor, I'm sad when I see people who are different depending on where or when you meet or see them. Do you know any such? We need to help people realize that there is no value in "putting up an act" for your Pastor or his Mrs - rather be concerned about what God sees all the time.
Thirdly, we are expected to shine before all men (people), not just before church members.
So as we shine constantly, let's encourage other Christians around us to do likewise daily.
* http://mrs-pastor-and-pastor-mrs.blogspot.ca/2015/02/it-has-nothing.html
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