In more recent months, God has continued to remind me, as I already know, that it takes a lot more than capability or even capacity, to do what we must. And the only thing we MUST do & do well is God's will.
One thing I've learned over the years, in my walk with God & work with (beside) my husband, is that I need clarity, more than capability or capacity, to accomplish God's will. Put differently, capability and capacity are of little use and could be misused if one is not sure on what exactly they should be doing. Samson comes to mind...
Habakkuk 2:2 says The Lord answered me: “Write down the vision; write it clearly [plainly] on clay tablets so whoever reads it can run to tell others.” (Expanded Bible)
So it's evident that the question here wasn't if the person had the capability or ability to run. Rather it was more around the clarity of what the runner was to do.
We each need to be clear on what God expects of us so we can run a successful race. Running based on man's expectations could take us away from fulfilling God's will for us. Ensure you have clarity before you build capacity or put your capability to work... God bless
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