It is fearful and even depressing to go to a church filled with what I'd call "parallel line" members...who are on their own all the time.
From personal experience, I know that when you first join a church you don't know who's who and may want to take your time to get to know people and "choose" who you relate with and how (deeply) you do. I fully understand that. What I don't get is when people just come and go - never wanting to be involved in anyone's life or in the church and clearly not wanting anyone in their space.
The paradox with such people is when something (especially negative) happens to them they wonder where their church members are and start broadcasting: "There's no love in the church. No one cares." I mean how can you say there is no love if you refuse to become part of the "Loving and Giving Circle?"

Church is meant to be a "Loving and Giving circle" - yes a bigger family and no family thrives on parallel lines. I almost feel that I may be "preaching to the choir" because in some instances, some pastors or more so Mrs Pastors want to be "left alone." In other words, their actions say: "I'm your pastor's wife - here to do a job or be by his side and that's all - no one should get into my business."
I agree that some of us may have been hurt (or burnt) before when we tried the "Loving and Giving circle" however, if Jesus didn't (& hasn't) given up on us - we shouldn't give up on interacting with others. The next time you want to live as a parallel line (as I sometimes want to) or see someone who wants to be a parallel line, ask yourself or them: "What if Jesus lived as a parallel line?"
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