Have you
noticed how rich this world, especially the church, is with ideas of what we should do (better)? Try having what
I call a “blank sheet of paper” meeting. You’ll end up with a book – actually a
catalogue of things “we” can do.
I really
like the free (& almost frivolous) use of the word “we.” I always smile at
meetings when the list of “To dos,” “Can dos,” “Should dos” etc. - roll off
people’s tongues like someone is rolling out a red carpet for royalty. In fact
some people become more specific and say “Pastor, you should do this and that…”
and the list – I mean catalogue – begins & goes on.
personally prefer that to a room filled with people who just nod or say
nothing. Much as that’s my preference, I’m gradually growing my use of “Noted”
in response. Now, I’m not saying that people should not come up with ideas for
us to reach out to others and expand the kingdom of God – far from it and God
forbid that I’d ever say or even imply that. In fact it will be sin (in my opinion) to assume and rely on only what Pastor and his Mrs come up with as ideas for advancing the work.
The point is except you want your church to end up like the proverbial donkey in the story of the man, his son and the donkey,* you need to learn and know how to listen to and approve all suggestions as "Noted." The reason is simple...you cannot do everything. Remember how I mentioned the use of the word "we"? Well, when the rubber hits the road and it's time to implement in more cases than not (unfortunately), the "we" becomes -> "you." So when ideas come up, first reconfirm from the Lord before you commit to implementing the idea and then when you have the Lord's approval, ask for the "arms and legs" to implement.
We must be careful not to be bottlenecks to God's move and also ensure that we are not uncontrollable dams either where anything goes. Rather, we should be idea funnels equipped with filters so we can receive all ideas and then separate wheat from chaffy ideas.
My prayer is that ideas will keep flowing and so will God's direction on what we should do...when and where and what should never be done lest we miss the mark.
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