Monday, November 18, 2013

Water off a duck's back...

Have you ever heard the saying: "Water off a duck's back?" Well, over the years, it's one phrase I've come to love and use a lot when describing myself.

It's an idiom that encourages us not to notice or dwell on negative words directed at us. It's not the easiest thing to do. However, when you realize that ducks swim (& feed) in water and yet water doesn't stick to them, you'll know that God must have made them that way for a reason... Mrs Pastors and others can learn from them.

If you ever heard the story of the man, his son and his donkey* or even the donkey in the well,** it will be clear that people:
  • will always talk about what you do (or don't do) - yes, we all have an opinion and believe others have to hear it.
  • may not always be willing to help you up when you fall (fail/falter)
The fact of life is that there may be some basis (in the speaker's mind) for the negative words - even if it is a misunderstanding. They could be one of those who are speaking evil of what you meant for good.*** Let me share an example:
I remember one time my husband and I were talking to another couple who genuinely wanted to be there for others. The result was that people we turning over even their own family responsibilities to this lovely couple - who didn't know how (or want to) say "No." We were saying that in helping people, we should help them know and take their own responsibilities - doing it for them was not truly helpful. At the time, they disagreed with us - saying that we should do all we can for others. We just left the matter there. Years later, we saw that they became to create (and almost enforce) their family boundaries. There was no need for my husband and/or I to say "we told you so."

We just saw it as another confirmation that we owe everyone in our circle of influence the truth - and to let every negative word directed at us slip off like water off a duck's back. As leaders in the house of the Lord, we must be sensitive and sensible enough to know when to let words - positive or negative - slide off like water off a duck's back. Otherwise, they'll distract you from your purpose in life...and then there will be more words about how you missed it - God forbid!

*** Rom 13:16

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