I know that when it comes to churches, the way Mrs. Pastor is treated is as different as it is similar. I know of churches where Mrs. Pastor is exhausted because she's over-extended and others where Mrs. Pastor feels helpless despite how much she wants to help.
I write this piece very carefully because I have been on both ends of the spectrum sometimes at the same time in different areas of Ministry...but I'll proceed with this post as instructed.
I know that God, in His gift-giving generosity, has deposited more than "Wife material" in every woman including Mrs Pastor so I really appreciate the "pain" when they are and feel "un-utilized" or "underutilized." It must been how Jesus felt when He had more to offer the people of Jerusalem and they didn't let Him...and He didn't force Himself on them.
As I pondered on this post, one thought that came to mind is that sometimes Mrs Pastor could feel "helpless" or unappreciated because she doesn't "have" or her husband has not given her a "Place of Prominence" in the church. The Holy Spirit quickly reminded me that that's irrelevant, what she needs is a "Place of Purpose" - I fully agree. Knowing and fulfilling your purpose in life is definitely more rewarding than being on a pedestal (which I've written about*). Jesus focused on His purpose and that's what took Him to prominence.
So as one Mrs Pastor who sometimes thinks "Oh I wish..." like Jesus did,
I have decided to follow Jesus,
I have decided to follow Jesus...
To focus on my purpose
And let God use me as He will
(You can actually sing that using the tune).
I wish and pray that we all will do the same...
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