Monday, June 18, 2012

The Seed and the Soil

Before we dig up the "soil" for this piece, I'd like to point out that: When it comes to gardening, I'm as green as can be. I don't have "green fingers" not even a "green thumb." However, I know quite a bit about the benefits of sowing and need to sow the right seed in the right soil to get a bountiful and beneficial harvest from personal I'm not that green afterall...
Well, now that we have that out of the way, let's proceed...

When deciding to sow/plant, I believe that the soil is more important than the seed - though the quality of the seed has a lot to do with the quality of the harvest. The soil must have the right nutrients from the get-go and/or the "sower" must have plans to provide the required nutrients so the soil is nourished and has the capacity to nurture the seed committed to its care.

In my life, I've found that sometimes I'm the seed and at other times, I'm the soil. The requirements are different for each. As a seed, we must realize that: "All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today."* The seed only becomes a flower because it remained in the ground - paid its dues. As seed, it always pays to be patient, resilient and persistent only then will we be productive.

As the soil, Leonardo da Vinci warned that: "Even the richest soil, if left uncultivated will produce the rankest weeds." So as soil, I need to tenderly watch the seed(s) planted in my sphere of influence. As Mrs. Pastor, God places so many "seeds" around us, we must prayerfully tend to. Remembering that in most cases, the"call" is upon your husband, you are there to help him. My prayer is that we'll all be good soil and also a good example of seed that fulfills its potential.

*Swedish Proverb

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