Monday, December 30, 2013

Remain his wife

Husband: "You're my wife!" 

Wife: "Yes and I don't want to become your widow!"

What would you do if you overhear an exchange similar to this? I was amused and totally agreed with the wife's response. In this instance, a wife was trying to encourage, more like force, her husband to eat healthy and he was demanding things he shouldn't eat and brought out the "you are my wife!" hammer...

It reminded me of how too many men use (and sometimes abuse) the popular "Wives submit to your husbands"* phrase. After listening to that exchange I started asking myself how much I express and exert the "I want to remain your wife, not become your widow" mindset.

As Mrs Pastor, my husband is busier than __________, ok I don't know who. The bottom line is, he's busy - I'm sure you know what I mean. Remember the "Where is my husband?" piece - you can read it again if you missed it.**

Much as we've been called to serve others, we must always remember that we can go further in ministry as we stay strong and healthy. As this year wraps up, please make one resolution  (for life) to remain your husband's wife, and not to become his widow. Similarly take really good care of yourself - including remaining attractive :) - so he remains your husband and not your widower.

* Eph 5: 22 - 30 - 22 You wives must submit to your husbands’ leadership in the same way you submit to the Lord. 23 For a husband is in charge of his wife in the same way Christ is in charge of his body the Church. (He gave his very life to take care of it and be its Savior!) 24 So you wives must willingly obey your husbands in everything, just as the Church obeys Christ.
25 And you husbands, show the same kind of love to your wives as Christ showed to the Church when he died for her, 26 to make her holy and clean, washed by baptism and God’s Word;27 so that he could give her to himself as a glorious Church without a single spot or wrinkle or any other blemish, being holy and without a single fault. 28 That is how husbands should treat their wives, loving them as parts of themselves. For since a man and his wife are now one, a man is really doing himself a favor and loving himself when he loves his wife! 29-30 No one hates his own body but lovingly cares for it, just as Christ cares for his body the Church, of which we are parts. (Living Bible)

Monday, December 23, 2013

Time to give

I really wonder why people wait for Christmas time to be generous. We must all realize that giving should be the way of living not something "wrapped" into a particular season.

I believe that much as a church should teach about giving to the church, it should also exemplify giving because a giving church is a blessed and happy church. Like Ben Carson says: "Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give."

So as this "season of giving" comes, I encourage you to come up with ways to inspire generosity and increase giving outside the church. If you take the time to look around, you'll see that needs abound; may our seeds abound much more.

Wishing you and yours a memorable Christmas - especially as you make it memorable for others... God bless!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Precious presents

Christmas is the Season of giving. With ~10 days to Christmas Day and people already exchanging gifts (presents), I'm sure it's obvious that there are presents & there are presents. There are expensive presents & there are precious presents. For instance, Jesus is both an expensive and precious presents... My family and I have also been blessed to received both types - I'll focus on an example of a precious one today...

Monday, December 9, 2013

What propels you?

Passion or Position?

Recently, I was sharing some challenges I'm having in ministry with another lady and she suggested: "Give them positions and they'll show up and participate." The first thing that came to my mind was: "What?!" Thankfully it didn't come out of my mouth because there were other words that quickly followed the "what" in my mind...and they may not have come out right.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Mentoring without a mentor...

As Mrs Pastor, I'm sure you know or have found out that without it being said directly, church members' expectation is that Mrs Pastor has a good reputation above reproach - almost bordering on perfection - I won't go there. For now, let's focus on what the Bible says in a roundabout way about Mrs. Pastors (& male Ministers' wives) when referring to the choice of church leaders: