Monday, August 18, 2014


Are there times when someone says they're helping you and you look at what they are doing and you wonder - "Help? If this is help, I'm better off without it."

Let me give you an example: When a young child insists on "helping" you save time & wants to feed him/herself. Depending on the child's age and stage, all the time you've "saved" is eventually spent on cleaning him/her up especially if the child prefers food off the floor than directly from the plate. :)
(BTW, I always encourage parents to let their children learn how to feed themselves...early. They learn by doing - and that includes cleaning up after themselves)

The flip side of that "help" is when one thinks that by pointing out every "misstep" or mistake they are helping you improve. This happens a lot when parents are talking to their children about academics/life. Most times, this is counterproductive because rather than make the person better, we make them bitter & they may switch-off altogether from our "help."

Likewise, in being our respective husbands' help-meet, we must be cautious and conscious of our "help." We are by their sides to help them meet their callings not beat then down so they miss it; we're there to support them fulfill their mission not to make them falter, fail or fall.

I'm constantly drawn back to Ecc 4:9-12 (italics mine) - which was a passage we used at our wedding.
9Two people are better than one. When two people work together, they get more work done. 10 If one person falls, the other person can reach out to help. But those who are alone when they fall have no one to help them. 11 If two people sleep together, they will be warm. But a person sleeping alone will not be warm. 12 An enemy might be able to defeat one person, but two people can stand back-to-back to defend each other. And three people are even stronger. They are like a rope that has three parts wrapped together—it is very hard to break. (Easy-to-Read Version)

It is not convenient sometimes - I agree but our marriage covenant is more important - at least for me it is. Which is why I can't help but ask myself - and you by extension:
How helpful is your help?
May God help us to render helpful help....

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