Monday, April 9, 2012

Vashti - Virtuous or Vicious? (1)

Over two months ago, I mentioned that we can learn a few lessons fron Vashti*.The story about Vashti is a short and sharp one – I’m sure that most people who read her story have an opinion about her…one way or the other. This isn’t one of those Bible stories that you’d easily gloss over. It’s also not one of those stories you hear people preach about much – not even during pre-marital counselling or during marriage seminars – possibly because many Christians don’t “see” or feel that there is anything to be learned from her.

When people talk about her, they make her sound vicious i.e. ill-willed - not wishing her husband good. Well, I think very differently so let’s read Esther 1 together…yes, please open your own Bible and read it as I continue to type and highlight a few verses - and the lessons:
  • She was the wife of a very influential and rich man – a king (v.1 & 9). I believe she understood that this unique position had some "pressure" with it - which for me could explain why she knew what her boundaries were.
  • She was hospitable – maybe because she could afford it. Verse 9 says: At the same time, Queen Vashti gave a banquet for the women in the royal palace of King Xerxes (NLT). "Knowing" her, I believe that she went through with it because she wanted to - not that she was forced to.
  • She lived up to her name and was beautiful. Did you know that her name means: "Beautiful" or "Good-looking"? Well, her husband was very proud of her. Verse 11 tells us: "He wanted the nobles and all the other men to gaze on her beauty, for she was a very beautiful woman." (NLT) There is no doubt that what her husband wanted her to do was totally inappropriate and disrespectful to her person, not to mention very demeaning, however the point is she had "something" - an attribute - he wanted to show off. Two sets of questions come to mind here. The first one for individuals is: "What is your name?" "What has God called you?" "Are you living up to that name?" The second is for all marriages: "Are there things about your husband or wife you like to "show-off" in a positive way or do you cringe when they show up either because of their Appearance, Behaviour or even BO, Character or what comes out (or could come out) of their mouths?" Have you talked about it? You should.
 To be continued

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