Monday, July 16, 2012

Assignment vs. "Assistant"

I found this tweet by Tommy Tenney interesting:
"Adam received his assignment b4 he received his Assistant.
Eve walked into a functioning vision."

I understand what he means though I know this is not always the case - in many people's lives. The fact is that some people only hear, or maybe only just answer the call, after they are married. Experiencing a bit of what it takes, I can't blame them though I know it's not the right thing to do - that's just me being authentic :)

Let me explain that some more...using 2 people in the Bible - who were not married to each other but clearly had a God-given assignment to do (together).

Judges 4 & 5 tell us about Mrs Lappidoth...who was a wife before she was called into the ministry - of being the first (& only) female judge of Israel. She told Barak about the assignment God had for him and he said if she wouldn't go with him, he wouldn't go. Now, this is not to say that some of our husbands are not courageous - the fact is that if a man wants to succeed in ministry, he is wise to ensure his wife "goes with him" - which is why I don't totally agree with the tweet. I believe that sometimes, a pastor (or other church leader) needs his wife to be the "f" (female) to support his "unction" - so he can "function" well in that which God has called him to.

Now the other part is that you are your husband's assistant - as his helpmeet not necessarily as the "assistant pastor" of the church. 6 months ago, we talked about the fact that there is no "Office of the Pastor's wife"* - you may not agree with me - I know it's not that's all the "support" I need.

For me, the point of the tweet is:
When God gives you an assignment - start on it before seeking any assistance.

I've learned from experience that "action attracts attention and assistance."

Too many of us wait for an assistant before we start on the assignment. The fact that you (& your husband) do not have everything you (think you) need, doesn't mean that you should not do anything. Doing nothing does not glorify God - do something with what you have and God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.** What more do (both of) you need?

**Phil 4:19 - Amplified Bible

1 comment:

  1. Gr8 piece and interesting perspective provided. I believe Tenney's tweet was more of the ideal and directed to people (not just hubbies) who want to achieve a God given goal or lead meaningful lives. They need to "get on with it" and then the resources (Eve, or Silas in the case of Paul )and other co-visionaries will join and be the pro-vision.

    On the bit about Pst's wife. While I concur about such a role not formally exisiting in scripture, it behoves anyone (man or woman) going into ministry to have a supporting person or esle the ministry becomes much more difficult. If the spouse is equally called to ministry, great, if not, they should silently assist in prayer and be good example given to hospitality and good works as Paul enjoined Timothy. There is no point in making a formal charade of the position as we see in some places.
