Monday, December 31, 2012

You must be "the 1"

I want to believe God that you have had a great leap year...with memorable leaps in life and ministry. I had my fair share - fo which I'm eternally grateful to God.

As we wrap up this year, I know some of us may have started compiling our "New Year Resolutions" so it's the perfect time to give you one: You must be "the 1."

Ok this will focus on what I'll call "Discipleship 101 for Mrs. Pastor."

There are several cadre of disciples beyond the multitude that followed Jesus. Acts 1:15 tells us about the 120 disciples (after Jesus ascension), Luke 10: 1 tells us about the 70 disciples Jesus sent out 2 by 2.

There may have been other "cadre" in between. Going to the 12 disciples who were with Jesus (Luke 6:13-16), only 3 witnessed the Transfiguration (Matt 17:1) and then "the 1" whom the Bible says Jesus loved. (John 13:23; 20:2)

Likewise, I'm sure that in your church there are different cadre of'd have the congregation, volunteers (Workers), the Ministerial/Pastoral team etc. You and your husband relate to them in different ways.
So which one do you fit into? I'll tell you...

You, dear Mrs. Pastor must be "the 1" - not his spiritual father, not his mentor, not his mother, not any of your children, definitely not any member of the church - except if the member we're referring to is YOU!

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