Monday, September 22, 2014

Moving from Point to Point...

A lot of times we're trying to move people from Point A to Point B - from where they are to where they should be - more like to where we think they should be.

A few years ago, we were having a conversation with Pastor Wale Adenuga and he made a comment around the fact that people only move from being part of the Audience to Congregation in church based on their Belief. Of course, I pulled it together so we have the A-B-C.

As I typed this, the Holy Spirit added that it's only in moving up to "Point D" that anyone will enjoy E F with G. So let's break that down.

It's one thing to progress from being a church goer (audience) to becoming a member (congregation) - as our belief (faith) deepens. The true value of life comes from Point D - when one becomes a Disciple because then we'll spend our Eternal life Forever with God.

The question I've continued to ask myself is what is my role - first as a Christian and then Mrs. Pastor - in helping people move not just from Point A to Point C but even to Point D? You know, your husband-pastor and other ministers could preach the most spiritually-sound sermons and then the relationship soil in your church could be filled with thorns and weeds. I've decided that the only person I can control is me. So I constantly assess (& till) myself - taming my words so they don't come out as weeds or thorns. The warning is clear in Mark 9:42
And whoever causes one of these little ones (these believers) who acknowledge and cleave to Me to stumble and sin, it would be better (more profitable and wholesome) for him if a [huge] millstone were hung about his neck, and he were thrown into the sea. (Amplified)

Whatever we do (or don't do), we should be encouraging others to keep moving forward and upward in their relationship with God. What a joy to see others progress...from point to point.

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