Monday, June 22, 2015

Beyond courtesy

I cannot remember exactly when this started but the Holy Spirit drew my attention to it a few months ago. There is quite a bit of "Christianese" woven into our emails to members of the church, or even to others when we use our personal mailbox.

Some of my signatures include: "Remain rapturable," "Remain blessed," "Remain a blessing," "God bless," "Hugs," "Hugs from here," "Love and Prayers," "Blessings,"  & now I use "Bountiful Blessings." I then noticed that in writing to my Pastor, more importantly known as my husband, on official church matters* I usually sign off with "God bless you and your family."
Initially, it was my "attempt" at being officious then the Holy Spirit drew my attention to the fact that that was beyond being courteous or even officious, it was a direct prayer for my husband - I mean for my pastor & his family.                                                                         
With that realization, I decided to be more deliberate in not just praying for him but prophesying over him and his family. After all, all needs to be well with him and his family for him to be fit and effective in ministry.
Note to self and to every Mrs. Pastor: Don't wait for others to pray or say "God bless you and your family" to your husband...go beyond courtesy and proclaim it over him regularly. So here goes: May God bless your pastor and his family. Amen!
You know as well as I do that we sure need this prayer...

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